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I would never recommend it

It would depend on the recipe. If the wine is for a sweet dish, then it may be necessary to add a little sugar as well to bring the recipe back into balance. Dry wines may also be higher in acid, and this can be of benefit in some recipes: such as stocks, sauces, risottos and soups as it helps to develop the complexity of other ingredients.

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Q: Can you substitute dry wine for sweet wine for a recipe?
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You may substitute sweet Sherry, or dry Sherry if you add sugar since Mirin is a sweet rice wine.

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== == Salut! == == The "classic" dry red wines (and among the most easily found) are Cabernet and Merlot.Yes, a wine is considered "dry" when it is not sweet. The dryer the wine is, the less sweet it is. Cabernet Sauvignon is a dry red wine.

What can you use instead of wine wine?

You can use equal parts dry sherry/pale sherry wine; not the cooking wine... the drinking wine. :)

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No, because sauternes is a sweet white wine, while marsala and sherry are red and can be dry.

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Dry wine has fewer calories than sweet wine.

Can substitute dry white wine with dry red wine in recipe?

Yes. I just made a stir fry that said to use red wine or vegetable oil and I used champagne, so why can't you use red wine instead of white?

What is the best substitute for Madeira?

Use a sherry of the same sweetness as the Madeira in the recipe. Use port or Marsala as a substitute for a sweet Madeira. All of the above will be quite close to the original flavor. If absolutely desperate you could try dry/sweet vermouth but the taste will be more than a little different.

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Chianti is a dry red wine.

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Is Marlot sweet wine?

Merlot wines tend to be on the dry side (in wine talk, "dry" is the opposite of "sweet", and nowadays even most "sweet" wines are not really THAT sweet). If you want a wine that's actually what a non-wine person would consider sweet, look for something labeled as a "dessert" wine, such as a Moscato.

Is Riunite Lambrusco a dry wine?

No its a sweet wine, doesnt leave your tongue dry..

What wine can substitute for madeira in a recipe?

You can substitue any kind of sherry for madeira (both are fortified wines). I personally like Golden Cream.