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no not really,

after kitten is born do it then as it wont affect the kitten unless it licks the mum which is unlikely...

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Q: Can you use cat flee drops when cat is pregnant?
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Can you put Insect spray on cats?

No way you will kill the poor cat!!! Trust me the cat will get sick! If you want to flee the cat from insects use frountline plus or something but NOT SPRAY!

Can a cat make you pregnant?

Yes, as long as their partners use condoms.

Can Systane eye drops be used on cats?

It is not advised to use any drug or medicine on pets without veterinary advice. Cats in particular have a number of metabolic pathways that turn things we would consider harmless into toxins.

How can you use flee in a sentence?

They will flee from the ugly witch.

Can i use assured eye drops on my dog?

Not before you ask your vet as what is good for you may be bad for the dog (or cat).


Use a few drops of soap with warm water to remove that cat spray's spot off of your screen door.

If a female cat has nipples is she pregnant?

no, it doesnt mean she is pregnant. A male and female cats both have nipples. The females use theirs if they ever get pregnant. It is a storage area for milk for when she is pregnant.

How do you use the word flee in a sentence?

It's just a normal verb. "I flee" "you flee" "he/she/it flees" etc.

How do you use flee in a sentence as a verb?

The rabbit decided to flee from the approaching wolf.

Can you use optrex for your cats eyes?

Optrex Eye Wash and Cleanser can be used for the fur around your cat's eyes. Drops can also be used.

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use your mouse to click flee...

How do you use flee in a sentence?

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