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Vinyl lined pools require less chemical treatment to use since it is not a porous material unlike cement lined ones require more chemical treatment (more porous material). Cement lined ones form more algae than vinyl.

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Q: Can you use the same water-treatment chemicals in vinyl-lined and cement-lined pools?
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What element is most used as the solution in swimming pools?

Hey, In most pools it is chlorine, but newer pools have been known to be use different chemicals.

What kind of creatures can be in swimming pools?

That would depend on how much chemicals you have in your pool.

How much start up chemicals to new pools?

It depends on the size of the pool.

What other chemicals do saltwater pools need?

Hydrochloric acid and potasium help alot

Do you have to add chemicals to your pool?

no. there are "natural pools". but if you want the classic clean blue pool, you have to.

What is the exchange pool of phosphorus cycle?

Exchange pools are biotic factors that hold chemicals for a short period of time. However, reservoir holds chemicals for a longer period of time.

Can you use the same chemicals for concrete and vinyl inground pools?

Yes you have to be a little more careful that you don't expose the vinyl to strong concentrations of chemicals as this may cause discolouration.

Can oxi clean be used in pools to shock it?

No, Oxi Clean is not intended for use in pools. You should go to a pool supply store to learn what chemicals to use and the correct amounts for the kind and size pool you have.

What are some names of swimming pool builders in Halifax?

Levy Pools is a popular contractor in the Halifax area. They specialize in both above and in ground pools as well as hot tubs. They will also do pool fills as well. Another would be Sparkling Pools & Spa's. They too specialize in both types of pools as well as accessories and pool chemicals.

Do i need to get emt gear to keep in my house? has a lot of information about shopping for and maintaining above ground pools. They also have a manual on the website about how to properly balance the chemicals in the water, and what chemicals to use.

Do you have to be a certified pool operator to add pool chemicals?

Most states require a CPO for public and commercial pools, but not for pools for personal use (such as a home pool). Check with your state licensing office for further information.

Does solar heating affect chemicals in pools?

need to know more info, please go to Thank u, John