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no! defianetly not! haha no worries. my boyfriend has acne.. i dont feel a thing.

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Q: Can your partner feel acne on your face while kissing you?
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Will you get acne if you kiss someone with acne?

Defintly not. Acne is a based thing, that results in many different things that happen on your face, not the face of others. If per say, the person you are kissing has a very oily face, and that oil carries bacteria and it gets on your face, you may get a pimple, but that's just oil, not acne. ACNE IS NOT CONTAGIOUS!

What does it mean when a girl touches your face while kissing?

She is really into you!

Can you get aids from kissing on face cheek?

It isn't really that possible to have gotten the HIV or AIDS from kissing your partner. Unless they have gone for and HIV testing from their doctor.

I wash my face everyday with acne wash but I still get acne so how do I stop it?

If you wash your face everyday with acne wash but you still get acne, it is important that you see a dermatologist for thorough examination.

Do you get acne by face painting?


Is acne hereditary?

The acne bacterium which is known as Propionibacterium acnes lives on everyone's skin, usually causing no problems, but, in those prone to acne, the build up of oil creates an ideal environment in which these bacteria prefer to multiply. This then triggers inflammation and the formation of red or pus-filled spots Acne can run in families, but this does not necessarily mean that if your parents had acne you will get it too.

Why does acne appear?

acne appears if u don't scrub your face at night

Are pimples or acne contagious?

Acne is the any kind of blemish on usally your face

What doese it mean when a guy holds your face while kissing you?

Holding your face while kissing can show tenderness, intimacy, and a desire to connect deeply with you in that moment. It can also indicate a strong emotional connection and attraction.

Where can you get acne?

on the face. It is related to Skin

What are some ingredients in face wash that fights acne?

Most acne fighting face washes include benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid.

Does the hair on the face cause acne?

It might. When a person pulls hair on the face, it leaves an open wound which can become infected and be like acne.