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Q: Cavour united Sardinia with France to try to rid Italy of Austria?
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What country did Camillo de Cavour make a military alliance with?

He united Sardinia with France

Who was the advisor to king of Sardinia and united Italy?


Who were the main leaders of Italian unification?

The main leaders of Italian unification were Giuseppe Garibaldi, Camillo di Cavour, and Victor Emmanuel II. Garibaldi was a military leader and played a crucial role in the unification through his guerrilla warfare tactics. Cavour was a statesman who served as the prime minister of Sardinia-Piedmont and played a key role in diplomatically uniting various Italian states. Victor Emmanuel II was the king of Sardinia-Piedmont and later became the first king of a united Italy.

From whom did Italy gain independence?

It was, before unification by Garibaldi, a number of separate states. Both Austria & France had control of parts of the Italian peninsula at one time or another.

Who united southern Italy?

In 1713, after the War of the Spanish Succession, Milan, Naples, and Sardinia were handed over to the Hapsburgs of Austria, which lost some of its Italian territories in 1735. After 1800, Italy was unified by Napoléon, who crowned himself king of Italy in 1805; but with the Congress of Vienna in 1815, Austria once again became the dominant power in a disunited Italy. Austrian armies crushed Italian uprisings in 1820-1821 and 1831. In the 1830s, Giuseppe Mazzini, a brilliant liberal nationalist, organized the Risorgimento (Resurrection), which laid the foundation for Italian unity. Disappointed Italian patriots looked to the House of Savoy for leadership. Count Camille di Cavour (1810-1861), prime minister of Sardinia in 1852 and the architect of a united Italy, joined England and France in the Crimean War (1853-1856), and in 1859 helped France in a war against Austria, thereby obtaining Lombardy. By plebiscite in 1860, Modena, Parma, Tuscany, and the Romagna voted to join Sardinia. In 1860, Giuseppe Garibaldi conquered Sicily and Naples and turned them over to Sardinia. Victor Emmanuel II, king of Sardinia, was proclaimed king of Italy in 1861. The annexation of Venetia in 1866 and of papal Rome in 1870 marked the complete unification of peninsular Italy into one nation under a constitutional monarchy.

Who united northern Italy?


What is the flying time from Glasgow to Sardinia?

The flight time from Glasgow, United Kingdom to Marseille, France is about 1 hour, 56 minutes.

What countries attended the Congress of Vienna?

Russia, Prussia, Austria, Great Britain, and later France.

What did Camillo Di Cavour help Italy?

He united northern italy by starting and winning wars against Austria. He also tried to unite southern Italy with northern italy. He attempted this by starting nationalist rebellions in the south. He merged northern and central italy. He united most of Italy.

Who controlled Belgium in the 1700s?

Spain until 1714, Austria (1714-1790) and The United States of Belgium (1790) Austria again until 1795 and as last one France

Why did Cavour want Italy united?

The movement to unite Italy into one cultural and political entity was known as the Risorgimento (literally, "resurgence"). Giuseppe Mazzini and his leading pupil, Giuseppe Garibaldi, failed in their attempt to create an Italy united by democracy. Garibaldi, supported by his legion of Red Shirts-- mostly young Italian democrats who used the 1848 revolutions as a opportunity for democratic uprising--failed in the face of the resurgence of conservative power in Europe. However, it was the aristocratic politician named Camillo di Cavour who finally, using the tools of realpolitik, united Italy under the crown of Sardinia. Cavour was known as a politician who favoured a liberal cause. He learnt from the failure of the 1848 revolutions. He realized that internal strength and external aid were necessary for the success of Italian unification.

Why does germany trade with other countries?

Germany trades with many countries. Its top ten countries it exorts to are France, United States, United Kingdom,Italy, Nehterlands, Austria, Belgium, Spain, Switzerland, Poland. Its top ten importers are France, Netherlands, China, United states, Italy, United Kingdom, Belgium, Austria, Russian Frederation, switzerland. This information was received from