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No major medical association recommends routine circumcision of infant boys. Circumcision caries with it serious risks of adverse outcomes including prolonged bleeding and infection. Circumcision also removes a normal part of the male genitals that functions to protect the delicate head of the penis. Removal of the foreskin can cause decreased sensitivity of the penis and pleasure during sexual intercourse. For these reasons most physicians recommend against circumcision. An uncircumcised penis requires no care until the boy can retract the foreskin, usually by age 3. He should simply wash the head of the penis with soap and water during his regular bath or shower just like any other part of the body. If you wish to have your newborn circumcised without anesthesia, it will cost $400-$500 (U.S. dollars). The cost depends on where you live. Infant circumcision is not covered by national health care in places like the United Kingdom and Canada. Infant circumsion is also not covered by most health insurances in the United States. While most infant circumcisions do not have serious complications, there are risks to the procedure, including pain, bleeding, and infection. Every year in the United States, there are a substantial numbers of deaths due to infant circumcision, most of which result from infection. There are also a significant number of irreversible injuries to the penis that occur during circumcision each year. Circumcision is far less common now in the United States than it once was. During the 1970s and 1980, around 80% of male infants were circumcised in the United States. A study conducted in the United States from 2005-2007 found that circumcision rates had fallen to below 40% in most of the United States. In the western United States, fewer than 25% of infant males were circumcised in 2005-2007.

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15y ago
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11y ago

The circumcision of boys involves the removal of the prepuce or foreskin of the penis.

For procreation to occur, the normally flaccid penis must become erect. As it changes from flaccidity to rigidity, the penis increases in length about 50 percent. As it elongates, the double fold of skin (foreskin) provides the skin necessary for full expansion of the penile shaft. while the penis is flaccid the glans normally remain covered . Microscopic examination reveals that the foreskin is more than just penile skin necessary for a natural erection; it is specialized tissue .especially the "ridged bands" that exist at the point where the skin doubles back on itself and provides a mucous membrane covering the glans penis. This area in particular is richly supplied with blood vessels, highly innervated, and uniquely endowed with stretch receptors. These attributes of the foreskin contribute significantly to the sexual response of the intact male. The complex tissue of the foreskin responds to stimulation during sexual activity. Stretching of the foreskin over the glans penis activates preputial nerve endings, enhances sexual excitability, and contributes to the male ejaculatory reflex. Besides the neurological role of the preputial tissue, the mucosal surface of the inner lining of the foreskin has a specific function during masturbation or sexual relations.

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13y ago

There are many different types of female genital mutilation (it's not called female circumcision anymore since it's more invasive and damaging then for males). The reasons why people do it and how they do it and in what form differs between countries, villages, religions etc.

# They take a thorn and pierce the clitoris hood.

#They cut off the clitoris hood.

#They cut off the clitoris.

#They remove the labia's, clitoris and stitch up the vagina and leave just a small hole about the size of your little finger to let the urine and menstrual blood out.

It's usually done with nothing for the pain and women holding you down and many girls die of shock and bleeding out.

There are many more variations out there depending on where you go. In some places they have stopped the more invasive ones to do the lesser invasive ones because girls died and also women die when it's time to give birth because the baby can't come out.

This is illegal inmost countries but it's still done even in those where it is illegal because it's a tradition and those are very hard to break and it takes many many years to do so.

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