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Clod is a cooking term for shoulder meat.

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Q: Coarse cut of meat from shoulder of an ox?
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Coarse cut of meat taken from the shoulder of an ox?


What is a Name for a cheap cut of meat from shoulder of an Ox?


What kind of meat is oxtail?

its a meat that comes from a ox... tail off an ox that's the part you eat... yum yum

How long to cook ox heart?

How long it takes to cook beef heart varies with the recipe and cooking method, as with any other cut of meat.

What products do you get from an ox?

As an Ox is a bovine (Like a male cow) you can get several meat products from them.

What is the other name of ox meat?


What is the meat you get from ox called?

Oxtail Cow tail (occasionally spelled ox tail or ox-tail) is the culinary name for the tail of cattle. Formerly, it referred only to the tail of a steer. ... Oxtail is a gelatin-rich meat, which is usually slow-cooked as a stew or braised.

What animal was paraded through the streets of Paris to remind them not to eat meat?

fatted ox

Do people eat ox meat in the usa?

It's not particularly common, but not unheard of either.

How do you cut frozen ox liver?

I think you have to unfreeze it first. If you want to cut it while frozen, you have to use a saw-like blade.

Do people eat a musk ox?

people long ago like aboriginal eat great musk ox ,many people don't wan't to eat it because they have hard meat

How did the Southern colonies farm?

pigs, cows, and ox were the main animals you could find. pigs were made into pork, and the cows were sometimes used to make milk, cheese, or butter, and the meat cows were used for meat. ox were used for meat but also used for pulling wagons to bring goods around to places around the colonies.