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Q: Could a nuclear power plant blow up like a nuclear bomb?
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What year did the Chernobyl nuclear power plant blow up?


What date did the nuclear power station blow up?

31st February :-)

Could a nuclear weapon blow up a continent?

not likely

The worst nuclear power accident in world history occurred at?

Japan (Fukashima Plant I). Four Reactors blow and melt down. Radiation spread throughout all of Japan.

Can a power plant can explode like a nuclear weapon?

No, a nuclear weapon needs a specific geometry to detonate, and it has to be held in this position by very high explosives to keep it in this shape. In a nuclear reactor, if the reactor core goes critical then the force of the expanding coolant will blow the reactor apart, preventing a nuclear blast.

Does nuclear energy blow up?

No. Define "blow up". Power plants have malfunctions that can kill people, unrelated to nuclear fuel. Nuclear elements can be arranged to blow up but you have to get everything exactly right. More danger exists from exposure to the fuel, if it has been activated.

If you could blow up a building how would you do it?

use nuclear bomb,999999999 kegs of dynamite and heli-R

What is good about nuclear fields?

Because you can blow people with the nuclear powers

Would the most fierce tornado blow the most strong structure in the world?

No. Perhaps the strongest structures in the world are the buildings that house the reactors of nuclear power plants. Not even the strongest tornado could destroy such a structure.

What could pose a problem in the use of wind as an energy source?

The wind does not always blow, and it may not blow where you need the power.

What accidents might occur from working in coal power stations?

For one, the coal power station might blow up if it gets too hot, obviously causing an accident. Basically, a coal power station worker's biggest worry is if it will blow up. GO NUCLEAR ENERGY AND BARACK OBAMA

Which country did the Chernobyl power plant blow up in?

Current day Ukraine. But in 1986 when it happened it was considered the Soviet Union