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I heard when having Asthma that your lips can turn a blue color...and asthma and Allergies go hand and hand

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Q: Could an allergy cause blackness of lips?
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What would can cause lightheaded and dizzy and my lips and tongue sometimes tingle?

Could be a food allergy.

Why do your lips on your face itch?

this could be dermatitis. contact/stress related. or eczema or an allergy.

Can sulfinyl cause the same type as a sulfa drug allergy?

Sulfinyl is a component of Prilosec. I have a sulfa allergy and unwittingly took a Prilosec. I had swelling in the mouth, lips, larnyx and bottom. So, I'd say sulfinyl can cause an allergic reaction in a person with a sulfa drug allergy. There was nothing else to explain it.

Can carbonic acid cause an allergy?

Yes. allergic to any drinks containing carbonic acid. My body reacts just like any food allergy. My lips swell, my face itches, and I break out in welts. Not fun.

What could cause numbness in right hand leg and lips?

Pinched nerve.Stroke.

Can skunk spray cause swollen lips for cat?

it is not proven to. but it possibly could if the skunk had a disease.

My lips are swollen and sore. Could 58.5 nmol/L in my blood test cause this?


How can you reduce blackness under your lower-lip ends?

Try Vitamin E capsules. Buy Vit E capsule 400mg. Bite the capsule carefully at one end. Squeeze the contents onto the blackness on the lips. Swallow the capsule with the remaining contents with a little water. james perry

Can scratching cause swollen lips?

Scratching can indeed cause swollen lips. This is likely because there is a great irritation that is not normally there.

Can you breathe fire with whiskey and a zippo?

Yes, you can it is not highly recommended though, as it could cause backlash and burn your mouth and your lips.

Does ice chap your lips?

No, ice alone will not chap your lips. Cold weather and repeated licking of the lips will cause them to chap.

What can cause your lips to turn purple?

when you're cold your lips will turn a blueish purple