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Sounds like it could be a reactive dermatitis. Try changing your shampoo and or laundry detergent.

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Q: Could you be having reoccuring shingles if under stress you develop small pimple-like bumps which scab over behind your ears and along your neck hairline?
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Little babies that developed shingles before getting chickenpox?

Babies do not develop shingles before chicken pox. Vise verse is true.

Does having the measles make you immune from shingles?

No, in fact Measles causes Shingles later in life. If you have had Measles you may very well develop Shingles when you are elderly. There is a vaccine for Shingles, but it's only available to those over the age of 60.

How often does herpes zostar occur?

About 20% of the population that had chickenpox will develop shingles later in life.

What are the demographics of demographics of shingles?

Approximately 500,000 cases of shingles occur every year in the United States. 20% of those who had chickenpox as children develop shingles at some time in their lives. People of all ages.can be affected, but the incidence increases with age.

What symptoms does shingles present with?

Usually, the first symptom of shingles is a tingling or itching on the skin which develops into an often painful rash. Since shingles can affect any part of the body, this can occur anywhere. The person can then often develop fever, chills and headaches.

Is shingles contaigous?

Yes, in a way. It is caused by the virus which causes Chicken Pox, and someone susceptible to Chicken Pox can get that from someone with Shingles. But if you've already had Chicken Pox, you won't catch Shingles. It's an opportunistic virus hiding out in your nervous system just waiting for your immune system to give it a chance. And if you've had the Chicken Pox vaccine, you should not be susceptible to either one.

Can you catch shingles from kissing?

Yes and no. Shingles is herpes zoster virus. The symptoms develop in people who have had chicken pox before. If you haven't had chicken pox you may develop it when exposed to shingles. If you have had chicken pox it can trigger shingles. It is infectious only when the blisters are forming and 'weeping'. Therefore it is spread through physical contact. It is no longer infectious when the blisters are dry scabs. It is not airborne but a mask and gloves are worn by healthcare workers to protect them from contacting the skin of active patients.

How do you treat a forearm hairline fracture?

Hairline fractures can also occur when there is a sudden change in the way physical activity is performed. For example, if an athlete who usually runs on grass, suddenly begins running on concrete, he/she could develop a hairline fracture. Even a change in the intensity with which an activity is carried out can lead to a hairline fracture. For example, if a person who usually walks two kilometers on average suddenly decides to run for those two kilometers, they may develop a hairline fracture. To treat a hairline or stress fracture a doctor will usually recommend the use of crutches or a cast to keep the weight off the injured part of the body. Along with some medication for the pain and to prevent infection, this is a good non-surgical approach to treating a hairline fracture. In some cases, however, surgery may be recommended. Here the basic idea is to support the bone to help it heal. This is done by inserting screws or plates (usually in the foot) to keep the bones together. Ranka Hospital, Pune provides treatment and facilities for hairline fracture.

Are you more apt to develop shingles if you have frequent cold sores?

Yes there are chances, however, there are not many cases developing shingles. But if you do its no surprise.

Can you get shingles from a child who has chickenpox?

No, 'Shingles' itself is not a condition that can be 'caught'. When someone first catches the virus Herpes zoster, the first symptoms they will develop is what we call 'chicken pox'. However once this condition passes, the virus remains in the body, and can cause shingles to develop many years later. If you've never had chicken pix before, then you may catch it from an infected child. However if you have had it before, then technically you are still actually infected by the virus, and contact with the child won't cause you to get chicken pox again, nor can it trigger shingles to develop.

What is hairline fracture?

A fracture is just another word for a crack in your bone, and the word "hairline" is to imply that the crack itself is literally as thin as a strand of hair. If you knocked a vase over and a thin line appeared, but the vase did not break, that would be like a hairline fracture to your bone.

Can you work at a daycare with Shingles?

Anyone who's had chickenpox has the potential of developing shingles. However, it's most common in older adults: More than half the shingles cases occur in adults over 60.In addition, people with weakened immune systems from HIV/AIDS, those who are receiving medical treatments, such as steroids, radiation and chemotherapy, or those who have a history of bone or lymphatic cancer are more likely to develop shingles. Most people develop shingles only once, but recurrences in other areas are possible.A person with shingles can pass the varicella-zoster virus to anyone who hasn't had chickenpox before. This usually occurs through direct contact with the open sores of the shingles rash. Once infected, the person will develop chickenpox, however, not shingles. The infection can be serious for certain groups of people with immune system deficiencies. The varicella-zoster virus cannot be spread to another person with a normal immune system who has already had chickenpox.