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Compare to the strict theocracy of the Massachusetts Puritans, the founders of Connecticut, including the Rev. Thomas Hooker, stressed the importance of greater religious toleration among what were then essentially various Christian denominations.

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In the early days of New Jersey there was religious freedom. The colony was more diverse than other colonies and grew to a population of 100,000.

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Q: Did Connecticut have religious freedom
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Why did colonist go to Connecticut?

For Religious Freedom.

Was There Religious Freedom in Connecticut?

Yes, and remains so to this day..

Who began a settlement at Hartford Connecticut for religious freedom?

I'm not sure

Who founded Connecticut and why?

Thomas Hooker and because he wanted religious freedom, it was founded in 1635.

Why did people want to settle in colony of Connecticut?

They wanted to settle into the colony connecticut because they wanted a new life and practice religion.

Why were the connecticut and Rhode Island colonies founded?

it was made for manufacturing and for profit and Rhode island was founded for religious freedom

What colonies did not believe in religious freedom?

Some of the colonies that did not believe in religious freedom include Massachusetts Bay Colony, Plymouth Colony, and Connecticut Colony. These colonies were founded by Puritans and other religious groups seeking to establish their own strict religious beliefs and practices.

Who led a group of settlers to Connecticut to establish a colony?

Thomas Hooker lead a group of Puritans out of the Massachusets Bay Colony to Connecticut in order to gain religious freedom and trading opportunities. There were 100 men and women and 130 cattle. Thomas Hooker ALSO founded Hartford and got his colony growing because of his religious freedom ideas.

Who settle Connecticut?

Thomas Hooker led a group of settlers to a colony that they named Connecticut in 1636. It was settled because of religious freedom.

Why did people form the colonies of Connecticut rhode islandand new Hampshire?

it was made for manufacturing and for profit and Rhode Island was founded for religious freedom

What were some problems the Connecticut colony faced?

Well Connecticut was a charter colony and the disadvantages were that they could worship anyone or anything they wanted to and they had no rules to obey. They should of enforced rules and said, "Hey you can have religious freedom but you still have to obey the rules we are enforcing or you can't have religious freedom any more".

What was the purpose for founding Connecticut?

Thomas Hooker wanted religious freedom and he hated the lack of democracy in Massachusetts, so he left for what we call Connecticut. He built the first colony based on Puritan guidelines (principles).