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At the peak of the Nazi reign in 1942, yes. He controlled almost all of mainland Europe and most of North Africa. However it all went downhill after and it was all lost.

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Q: Did Hitler create the largest German empire?
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With respect, Hitler's key territorial aim was to create a vast German empire in Eastern Europe. (There's no evidence that he wanted to revive the Holy Roman Empire).

What was the German empire created by Hitler and the Nazis?

The German empire created by Hitler and the Nazis is often referred to as the Third Reich. It was established in 1933 when Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany, and it lasted until 1945. The Nazi regime aimed to create a racially pure German society, expand German territory, and dominate Europe. The empire ultimately led to the atrocities of World War II and the Holocaust.

Hitler's German empire?

No, Hitlers Nazi Empire

Hitler owned what lands?

The German Empire.

How did the German empire start?

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Did Adolf Hitler succeed in controlling the German Empire?

No, Germany didn't become an empire after WWI, so Hitler didn't control it.

Why does Hitler want the Suddenland?

Suddenland used to be part of the former German Empire and Hitler wanted to unify Germany and all German speakers.

What allowed the Germans to create a German empire?

German Empire is just a term used to denote all things relevant to Germany. So, just the fact that Germans started a society is what allowed the Germans to create a German empire.

What do Hitler want to do whit German?

I`m from Germany and i`ve done this in history , he wanted to create a big world-empire. He did not want to call it "Deutschland", but "Germania". He was ill and mad.

According to Hitler why did the German empire deserve to take parts of Czechoslovakia?

czechoslovakia had a large ethnically german population

The world empire that Hitler dreamed of creating was known as?

Hitler never tried to create a world empire. His goal was limited to unifying the Germanic areas of Europe.