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They like France were more sympathetic to the Serbs. While the Croats were friends with Italy and Germany.

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Q: Did Israel fight on the side of Yugoslavia during the Balkans War?
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Strictly speaking, no foreign power actively supported Israel during the fighting of the Six Day War.

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There was no Israel during Hitler's Regime.Palestinian Jews formed an armed core to attack Nazis in Europe and the Middle East. As Ben-Gurion said: "We will attack the British Occupation in Palestine as if there were no war in Europe and we will fight the Nazis in Europe alongside the British as if there were no war in Palestine."

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Yes. The Palestine Liberation Organization fought the state of Israel from its foundation until 1993, when the Oslo Accords were signed between the PLO and Israel. The most serious fighting occurred in 1981-1982 during the Lebanese Civil War.

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There was no Israel during Hitler's Regime.Palestinian Jews formed an armed core to attack Nazis in Europe and the Middle East. As Ben-Gurion said: "We will attack the British Occupation in Palestine as if there were no war in Europe and we will fight the Nazis in Europe alongside the British as if there were no war in Palestine."

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They settled in Israel.

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During the fight at the stockade in "Treasure Island," several of the pirates were killed, including Israel Hands. Jim Hawkins and his companions emerged victorious and managed to defend the stockade against the attacking pirates.

Why do the Pakistan and Israel continue to fight?

The only fighting between Pakistan and Israel are perhaps wars of words. There is currently no warfare between the two countries. If, perhaps, you meant why do Israel and Palestine (not Pakistan) continue to fight, please see the Related Links below.

Did king Solomon fight Goliath?

No, it was David who became king of Israel.