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Yes and frequently. They would contain items the soldiers could not get (treats, socks, shirts, etc.) newspapers, books and food. It became something of an art to pack as much as possible in them. Most items were tinned or jarred, but sometimes fresh fruit or vegetables were sent. Believe it or not, the supply system was so good in the Union army towards the end of the war that a package would go from Maine to Virginia in three or four days. When desertion rates went up, packages were searched for civilian clothing or train tickets (in Union armies at least). Liquor was forbidden to enlisted men therefore brandied fruit was very popular. In short, they were very much like the care packages we send to our troops today. They were a connection to home, very, very appreciated and usually shared amongst the soldiers.

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In any civil war some soldiers, and civilians, do not go home because they have perished.

Others may stay at the last place they served or move to somewhere they have seen.

Some may take the opportunity to start a new and different life.

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Q: Did civil war soldiers receive care packages from home?
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How do the care packages support for the soldiers?

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What are some charities that send care packages for soldiers that do not have any family at home?

There are many charities that send care packages to soldiers. One is "Any Soldier." This is a website that helps one figure out what is effective to send to a soldier. Another company is "Soldier's Angels."

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Nurses and Doctors take care of and took care of soldiers when they were or are ill.

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Where can someone send cards to wounded soldiers?

There are different programs that will allow you to send cards to soldiers - whether wounded or not. You can also send 'care packages' and other things, drawings and letters.

Where can you find information on College Care Package Ideas?

Care Packages is one of the best places to find what you can put in student care packages. They have many custom build packages. You can also try Pinterest care packages.

How do you customize care packages in black ops?

if you do hardline perk you can change care packages.

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Who is entitled to receive to the same standard of medical care as us soldiers?

any detainee not classified as enemy combatant