

Did obama go to Harvard as a foreign student?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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11y ago

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No, this is an internet myth, promoted by the Birthers, the group who refuse to admit that Mr. Obama was born in the USA. By all accounts of people who knew him at Harvard, he was an American student, from Hawaii (but by that time, living in Chicago); he was older than some of the students, since he had worked for five years before starting law school, but nothing in any of the student publications or quotes from professors refers to him in any way other than as an American. As for how he paid for Harvard, it was from student loans and grants, as well as money he had saved while working. Since he was born in Hawaii, and Hawaii was in fact a state of the United States by the time of his birth, he would have been eligible for student loans, financial aid, or any other assistance given to an American student.

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