

Did people in the Neolithic period migrate?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Yes they walked for a long while do you want to buy

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Q: Did people in the Neolithic period migrate?
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What jobs did neolithic people have in the paleolithic and neolithic time period?

In the Paleolithic period, most people were hunter-gatherers, so their primary jobs were hunting for food and gathering plants. In the Neolithic period, people began transitioning to agriculture, so jobs included farming, domesticating animals, and creating tools for agriculture like plows and sickles. Craftsmen also emerged, specializing in pottery, weaving, and other skilled trades.

How was the Neolithic period diffrent from the Paleolithic period?

The Neolithic period followed the Paleolithic period and was characterized by the development of agriculture, domestication of animals, and the establishment of permanent settlements. This shift from a nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle to a sedentary agricultural lifestyle marked a significant advancement in human civilization during the Neolithic period.

What is the difference between the Neolithic and Mesolithic period?

The Mesolithic period dates back to around 10,000 to 5,000 BCE and was characterized by the use of more advanced stone tools, a focus on hunting and gathering, and the beginning of domestication of plants and animals. The Neolithic period followed the Mesolithic around 8,000 BCE and was marked by the development of agriculture, settled communities, and the production of polished stone tools and pottery.

What did the neolithic people do?

Many people lived in mud brick, as in mud dried in brick form, homes rather than in huts, like the previous people. The Neolithic period was truly a time of change, as it was the roots of the following ages that brought about the birth of civilization

Who exactly are Neolithic people?

There were no "Neolithic People" there were, however, groups of people who lived in the time between the invention of agriculture and the invention of copper. We call this period of time the Neotlithic era.

What was the period between Paleolithic and Neolithic called?

The mesolithic period was between the paleolithic and neolithic.

WHAT happend to the popullation of the Neolithic period?

the poppulation had grew then mostly the people had died.

What were major differences between people who lived in the paleolithic period and those who lived in the Neolithic period?

i dont know it

What were the major differences between people who lived in the Paleolithic period and those who lived in Neolithic period?

People in the Paleolithic period were mostly hunter-gatherers, while those in the Neolithic period were transitioning to agriculture and settled communities. Neolithic people also developed pottery, weaving, and domestication of animals, leading to more complex societies. Additionally, the Neolithic period saw the rise of permanent settlements and more advanced tools and technology.

What is the neolithic era?

The Neolithic Era, also known as the New Stone Age, was a period in human history characterized by the development of agriculture, domestication of animals, and the use of polished stone tools. It marked the transition from a nomadic, hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled communities and the beginning of farming practices. The Neolithic Era began around 10,000 BCE and ended around 2,000 BCE with the advent of the Bronze Age.

What were neolithic people like?

Neolithic people were the early farmers and herders who lived during the Neolithic period, which began around 10,000 BCE. They lived in settled communities and practiced agriculture, domesticating plants and animals for sustenance. Neolithic people developed pottery and weaving techniques and constructed simple houses. They also developed more complex social structures and religious beliefs.

How did domesticating animals help the neolithic people?

Domesticating animals allowed Neolithic people to have a more stable food source through farming and herding. It provided a reliable supply of meat, milk, wool, and labor for tasks like plowing fields. This led to settled communities, surplus food production, and the development of more complex societies.