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Generally when speaking of "the trenches" during WWI its understood that this means "the western front", which was in France and Belgium. There the British, French, Belgians and Americans fought the Germans. Both world wars were, for Germany, "two front wars", because, in the west, they had the British, French and Americans, and, in the east, on the other front, the Russians. There were no Russians on the western front. I am sure there were times and places during WWI where the Russians did dig in, and perhaps even create trench systems, though nothing as elaborate as what the trench systems grew into on the western front. There were also "trenches" on what amounts to the southern extension of the western front, to the southeast of Switzerland, where the Allied Italians faced the Austro-Hungarian armies of the Central Powers.

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Q: Did russia fight in the trenches during World War 1?
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Did us soldiers fought in Russia during World War 1?

hi its me! and no us did not fight in russia

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To fight in the First World War or similar. To fight in the First World War or similar.

Did Russia fight a lot during World War 2?

Yes. Russia had more soldiers killed than any other country.

What major battles did Russia fight during World War 1?

First battle of Tannenberg was one

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Ireland was a part of the United Kingdom in WWI and many Irishmen of both communities fought in the trenches.

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There Stratagy was basically to stay in the trenches and fight from there. They would make fancy posters to get people to join the fight.

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Lithuania did fight in World War 2 but it was part of Russia.

Did Russia fight in Africa in World War 2?

No they did not.

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France and Russia favoured England during world war 1 but then later on Russia backed out of the war because it had the revolution going on in its own country and also because it had signed a treaty with Germany not to fight against it.

How did the soldiers fight from the trenches?

with rifles

Where did USSR fight during World War 2?

Mostly at the border of Germany/Russia. Germany came far into Russia's territory, but Russia was able to push them back. An example of a battle that took place would be the Battle of Stalingrad.