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During the period of the Roman Republic the consuls were the two annually elected heads of the republic. They had imperium, the power to command an army, potestas, the power to exercise judicial functions, and coercitio (coercion), the power/authority to compel obedience from fellow citizens. During the period of rule by emperors, the emperors had absolute power and took the powers of the consuls. The consulship became a ceremonial office without any powers.

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The consuls as they were the head of the Government, in other words The Senate. I know it isn't very detailed but I :)

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Q: Did the consuls senate or assembly have the most power?
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Which branch was of government the consuls Senate or Assembly had the most power explain?

The Consuls had the most power -- once they were elected, that is. It was the assemblies who elected the consuls, so they had the most power as far as electing the consuls goes. However, the candidates for consul (or any other position) came from and were nominated by the senate. So all the bodies of government were interwoven and no one branch had more power than the other.

What was the most powerful body of government in the roman republic?

The Senate is the most powerful hope that helps :)

Who had most of the power in the roman republic?

The consuls were the top government officials.

Who were the most powerful politicians in Rome?

The consuls were Rome's most powerful elected officials.

What is the most important power of the consuls in roman republic?

The consuls were the heads of the republic and the army.

In Roman politics who held the most power?

The consuls held most of the power.

What were the Roman important feature of the Roman republic?

The Senate had the most power of government even under Julius Caesar. The Consuls were like US presidents - the chief executives of the government.

What were the three branches of roman govt?

The Roman Empire was made up of the consuls, assembly and senate. The senate is like our legislative, consuls are like executive made up of powerful military generals and the assembly is like judicial. The assembly elected the consuls but the consuls almost always listened to the senate.

Who did the Roman Senate support the most in the First Triumvirate?

Before the breakup of the triumvirate, the senate went along with the two consuls, Crassus and Pompey. There was no visible conflict at the time.

What does roman republic senate do?

The senate advised the consuls but in practice, the consuls would usually always take the advice. The senate also was in charge of the Republic's money and it had the power to remove consuls if they thought they weren't doing a good job at ruling Rome. The senators were appointed for life, and even though hey weren't paid, the position gave privileges and a better social position.

Who has the most real power in the Senate?

The most real power in the Senate is in the hands of the majority and minority leaders.

Who were the the counsels and senators were when rome was a republic?

I guess that counsels is a misspelling of consuls. The consuls were the two annually elected heads of the city and the army. The senators were the members of the Roman senate. The senate was an advisory body. It was not elected and its members were former officers of state and aristocrats. It did not propose bills or vote on them. The bills were proposed by the consuls or the plebeian tribunes and voted on by the popular assemblies. However, the senate issued decrees. By the mid Republic it became the most powerful political body of Rome.