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Yes, No and Maybe:

The stated intention of the Philadelphia Convention was to discuss and try to correct flaws in the Articles of Confederation. They certainly did that. Yes, some of the delegates may have gone there with no intention of repairing a flawed document (the Band Aid approach) and fully intending to create a new and stronger central government (the Major Surgery approach). As radical as big change may have seemed it quickly became apparent that something on a grander scale was needed to unite all of these former British Colonies. No, they did study and discuss the flaws in the Articles of Confederation and then they resolved to move beyond the fixer-upper approach. Maybe they went beyond the set guidelines of the Convention's limited agenda. Big ideas can sometimes evolve into grand documents like the United States Constitution.

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Q: Did the framers disregard their original purpose for meeting in Philadelphia?
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What is the name of the meeting in 1787 in philadelphia?

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Continental Congress ordered the meeting of the Philadelphia Convention in 1787. the Philadelphia Convention produced the constitution.

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