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Yes, it did.

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Q: Did the gun that was shot JFK have Lee Harvey Oswald's finger prints on it?
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What was the outcome of Oswalds trial for the assassination of president Kennedy?

Lee Harvey Oswald was shot by Jack Ruby before the trial could be held. jack Ruby died in prison due to cancer.

What was determined to be lee harvey oswalds role in the kennedy assassination?

It was said that Lee Harvey Oswald was the person who planned and did the assassination.

What were lee Harvey oswalds last words?

Lee Harvey Oswald is not thought to have said anything when he was killed. However, a few minutes before he was shot he told one his interviewers, 'I will be glad to discuss this proposition with my attorney, and that after I talk with one, we could either discuss it with him or discuss it with my attorney, if the attorney thinks it is a wise thing to do, but at the present time I have nothing more to say to you.'

How did justice wargrave kill himself?

there was a strong string and a hancerchief he tied the revolver to the door and his hand and then he pulled it and the gun went off and shot him to the head the hancerchief kept the finger prints of vera claythorne

Who shot JFK?

Lee Harvey Oswald

Who murdered Lee Harvey Oswald?

Jack Ruby, a Dallas nightclub owner who said he felt sorry for John F. Kennedy's widow, Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy.

Who shot John FKennedy?

Lee Harvey Oswald

Who shot Jhon kenndey?

Lee Harvey Oswald

Who killed JFK and how?

Lee Harvey Owald shot him.

How is Lee Harvey Oswald famous?

He shot JFK.

Who was the person that shot JFK?

Lee Harvey Oswald!

Who shot president kenndy?

Lee Harvey Oswald.