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Q: Did the rhode island colony have a lot of timber?
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What are some bad things about the colony Rhode Island?

Johnston, home of the landfill and a whole lot of white trash.

What kinds of races does Rhode Island have?

rhode island had a lot of differeat races

What made Rhode Island colony rich?

The Rhode Island slave trade made many families rich.

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Rhode Island

What was Rhode Island's culture?

it was a lot ghetto than i think, basicaly an island out of nowhere

Colonial Rhode Island economics?

The industries that kept the Rhode Island Colony economically healthy included shipbuilding and fishing, as well as whaling. The colonists in Rhode Island were able to produce a lot of whale oil which many people used in oil lamps. The soil was not as rich as it was in some of the other colonies, but they were able to cultivate a lot of beans and corn along with things like squash and pumpkins.

Which colony was the last of the thirteen?

Georgia, it was founded by James Oglethorpe and was founded in 1732 (i think).

What does Rhode Island have a lot of?

Grand summer homes. Catholics. Quahogs.

What crops did the Rhode Island colony have?

Tobacco was grow in Rhode Island because the climate was not very wet. The tobacco had been introduced by James Rolfe to Jamestown and all of the colonies except for the Carolinas and Georgia began growing it as a cash crop.

3 interesting facts about Rhode Island?

It was much the same as today, though a little colder. Rhode Island has a temperate climate moderated by its proximity to the Atlantic Ocean, with warm summers and cold winters. Rain falls evenly throughout the year, and snowfall averages 25-35 inches with more inland. Hurricanes, though rare, are not unknown to strike the southern edge of New England.

What does zoning for R40 mean in Rhode Island?

The district minimum lot size is 40,000 square feet.

How many snowstorms did rhode island get 2010-2011 year?

A LOT not sure exactly, couldn't find it but I live there.