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Walking - 200 calories per hour

Jump Roping - 100 calories per 10 minutes

Elliptical Machine - 200 to 300 caloires per hour (depends on speed and resistance)

Stationary Bike - 100 to 150 calories per 45 minutes.

Hiking - 300 to 500 caloires per hour (depends on intensity)

Swimming (Leisure) - 100 calories per 30 minutes

Swimming (Laps) - 150 calories per 30 minutes

Swimming (for Fun) - 100 to 200 caloires per 30 minutes

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Q: Different activities you can do and how many calories your burning?
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How many calories can you lose a week if you eat 1200cal but burn 900cal?

You aren't losing calories. Instead, you are burning them off. If you are burning that many calories through exercise, though, it is healthier to up your calories intake by 100 or 200 calories, though.

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You should be taking in more calories than burning. About 200-500 calories more than you usual diet.

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Burning calories depends on many factors. Stretching pizza for an hour could burn a few extra calories, but those calories are really negligible at the end of the day.

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Running 1 mile is equal to swimming 500 to 640 meters at a moderate pace when it comes to burning calories. Even though both the exercises are vastly different, their calorie burning impact is very similar. Same amount of calories is burnt while swimming and running for the same amount of time.

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It all depends on how much exercise you are putting in and how many calories you are burning.

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It depends on which Kcup you use. Different Kcups have different number of calories.

How many beats per min till you start burning calories?

1billion! how do u not know this!

How many calories does Chinese food have?

That depends. Each dish is different and would therefore have a different number of calories.

How many calories do you burn as you sleep?

well obviously you are always burning calories even when you dont know it. a scientist probably knows but idk. im not a scientist!

How is oil wasted?

Oil is wasted by many activities,by oil spills on sea,on sometimes burning.

How can someone calculate the numbers of weight loss calories they have lost?

You can measure the amount of calories that you are consuming each day and comparing them to how many you were consuming and then calculate the amount you have lost. You can also use online calculations to find out how different activities affect your calorie loss.