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== == Answer As someone who is not a Roman Catholic but another Christian from a different denomination (I am an Anglican), perhaps I can give an unbiassed answer, that is not emotive, to the question posed. Of course Catholics do not worship idols. This is a preposterous, and offensive, suggestion. The Roman Catholic Church is a denomination of the worldwide Christian Church that worships the Trinitarian God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Period. No idols and no baal worship. The whole idea is not only ludicrous, but it is very offensive to Roman Catholics. Contrary to some comments here the vast majority of Roman Catholics are devout and know their faith far better than many other adherents to other denominations, my own included. Catholics are well versed in the doctrine of their faith by teaching by the Church authorities, and, of course through scripture. Catholics take scripture and the revelation of God through prophesy as the basis for their faith - a faith that, unlike many sects (eg JWs, Mormons, etc) is in accordance with the worldwide Christian Church as passed down through two millennia. Baal worship, however, did take place a great deal by non-Jews (and some Jews) during the time of Elijah and can be read about in scripture. However, the Bible makes it very clear about worshiping false gods, not only throughout the New Testament but right through the Old Testament too. As a result of turning away from God, the Jews ended up in a right mess- and this can act as a warning to us even today. It is true that Catholic churches do usuly contain statues of Christ, the Virgin Mary or saints. But these are focal points for worship of God and not for worship themselves. In my own church, a fairly evangelical Anglican/Methodist Church in the UK, we have various foci for worship - a beautiful woodcarving of the Last Supper, a tapestry banner depicting Christ the King, and, of course, many crosses dotted about throughout the church. These are our equivalent of the Catholic statue, of the Orthodox icon, the Methodist high pulpit from where the Word is preached, the lit candle in private prayer... all are used to focus the mind on the worship of God, and are not there as idols for worship themselves. Sadly, on this site there are those who, having read a few spurious articles on a subject think they are experts. There are those whose opinions are bigoted and anti-Catholic, anti Christian, anti-anything-with-which-they-don't-agree, without thinking through a situation. And it is these people who coulld bring this site into disrepute. The asker of this question most likely heard the accusation of Baal worship from a buddy in the local bar and asked the question without thinking about the offence it would cause. Rather than do something about the real false gods in society (for example, greed in the Western World, adulation of celebrities, obsession with fame, obsession to sexual lust, love of money and so on), some prefer to castigate an organisation that has a mission, through its love of God and humanity, to do something about the problems in the world - through mission, teaching, Christian-run charity hospitals and schools, Christian relief organisations, and so on. Rather than do something to help humanity. some would rather cast mud at something which they simply do not understand, and which they can, in their cowardice, cause offence in anonymity. Shame on them. Another Answer Whoever the idiot was that posted what is below needs to shut up because obviously he does not know a thing about the Catholic faith. Catholics DO NOT worship idols. They believe in God and that Jesus is the son of God. That is not to say that some who consider themselves as Catholics do not worship idols, however according to the scriptures this is a heresy, so perhaps they could not be considered truly as Catholics, but rather as heretics, even if baptised as Catholics ... as per the teachings of Christ, the scriptures and the teachings of the Catholic Church. Most Catholics do not even know their catechism, much to their own detriment and that of the world that needs the saving truth to which they are supposed to be witnesses. Those Catholics who have studied their Faith as well as other religions are well aware of the ignorance and prejudice leveled against Catholicism and which cultures and religions have affected their own. Baal worship is not one of them. Catholicism is a denomination, still a branch of the Christian religion. The presence of statues, icons, pictures, etc. in Catholic and Orthodox Churches is to distill an image in order to prompt a graphic understanding, a visual and mental connection with Christ and God the Father during prayer. Just as we document history with images of people, places and events, so too the Church documents Christ's life and all those connected with him, similarly. A frequently asked question is whether Catholics worship the Saints, (because their statues can be seen in Catholic Churches). The stories of the lives of the Saints act as an inspiration to the faithful; something exemplary for them to themselves aspire to. As well the Saints provide an example of devout piety and fervour, enabling a better understanding of what is expected of the faithful by God. In this way they are not worshipped, but simply admired and respected; looked to for inspiration and motivation to improve oneself.

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Q: Do Catholics know the whole truth about their religion Isn't Baal Worship really a part of it?
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