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Lutherans do not have the same regard for Saints and patron Saints as in the Roman Catholic Church. The Lutheran liturgical calendar does designate days of commemoration to believers who have gone before us as examples of Christian virtue and as people of faith. Lutherans pray in the example of the Saints and pray to be likened to them in faith. Lutherans do not, however, petition to the Saints for prayer, protection or blessing. Only God is deserving of prayer and worship.

However, in the Lutheran Confessions, "saints" are regarded as all those who truly believe and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and Saviour. Saints are all believers on earth and in heaven, both living and dead. The dead ones do not hold a higher "position" in the Church. So therefore, all the saved earn the title of "saint" when we believe and confess that Jesus is Lord.

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15y ago

Protestants accept saints the same as the Roman Catholic Church, as people who have led a holy and spiritual life. However, they do not accept the canonisation process of the Church, not miracles attributed to them as their own miracles, only miracles in Christ's name. Most also regard all Christians as 'saints'. Furthermore, protestants on the whole do not pray to saints or use them as interceders between God and us and regard the practice as necromancy. They adhere to scripture which states that Christ is our only mediator and advocate, and that we should not 'contact' the dead.

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14y ago

Historically, Martin Luther referred to saints are people who had been exceptionally devoted to God in their lifetimes and therefore should be held up and imitated by those still on Earth. However, praying to saints is expressly forbidden, as praying to anyone other than God himself is considered idolatry.

Modern Lutheranism, at least in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, holds that all those who believe and have received the grace of God are saints. According to them, anyone has the potential to be a saint.

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9y ago

Not in the sense that is found in the Roman Catholic faith. They do believe in a 144,000 "holy ones" that will go to heaven after they die and rule over the Earth with Jesus. They do not, however, believe that these "holy ones" should be prayed to or worshipped.

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12y ago

The "Mormon" church is officially called the 'Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints'. Mormons do not believe in the traditional saints of the Catholic, Orthodox, and Anglican traditions, but consider all true followers of Jesus Christ to be saints. This is implied by several New Testament verses, mostly in the Epistles, in which the general church membership is addressed as 'saints'. As the official name of the Church implies, Mormons believe that they are the saints of the last days, echoing the faith of the ancient saints in The Bible.

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10y ago

Yes. Episcopalians (and Anglicans) believe in the early saints and respect Catholic belief in later saints, but hagiology is not part of the Episcopalian faith.

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Q: Do Protestants believe in saints
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