

Do Sirens eat people

Updated: 12/13/2022
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14y ago

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No. They supposedly would lure sailors to their grisly death, usually making the ship sink.

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Q: Do Sirens eat people
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The sirens are half woman and do not eat anyone.

Do sirens eat their victims?

Sirens are mythical creatures and do not exist.

Why are dwarf sirens endangered?

they eat cheese and there bum

How do the sirens kill people?

the sirens kill people by singing a bewitching song that lures sailors to there death by crashing into rocks.

What does a dwarf siren eats?

Dwarf sirens eat a variety of food items, including small worms. The have very small mouths but will eat any invertebrate they can swallow. Captive sirens will eat whiteworms, blackworms, and tubifex worms.

Name of a deadly sea nymph?

A deadly sea nymph that Odysseus comes upon on his jouney is a siren which is a deadly sea nymph that lours men to their death with their beautiful singing. :( No, the Sirens sing people to swim to them and the Sirens eat them. They are not Nymphs.

Comparasin of modern sirens to original sirens?

There are no modern sirens - unless you mean the term - even so Greek sirens were mythological monsters that explained to the people of that time why it was ships and sailors sometimes did not return.

Did the sirens in greek mythology eat the sailers?

No, only drowned them by their song.

What happen to Odysseus when he was tied down by his men?

the sirens couldn't eat him.

What did the sirens eat in The Odyssey?

It is not written what they ate, only what they did (sing sailors to their death), and where they were.

If sirens sing and lure people into water do the mermaids drown the people in stead of the sirens?

No, the sirens sing to sailors who pass by islands with cliffs and either they jump ship and drown unable to reach the sirens atop the cliffs, or a sailor might navigate the ship into the cliffs to reach them thus killing everyone.

What dangers did people have during the world war 2?

there were airaid sirens and poppy sirens and i dont no what els