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Yes, as electrons get farther from the atomic nucleus they are less attracted to that nucleus, which is exactly what you would expect on the basis of Coulomb's Law, F=q1q2/r2 as the radius of the orbit increases the attractive force becomes decreased.

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Yes, attractive forces have less hold on electrons farther from the nucleus. This is due to the decreasing strength of the electrostatic attraction as the distance from the nucleus increases. Electrons in outer energy levels are therefore less tightly bound to the nucleus compared to those in inner energy levels.

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Q: Do attractive forces have less hold on electrons farther from the nucleus?
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Why electrostatic forces exist between nucleus and outermost electrons?

Electrostatic forces between the nucleus and outermost electrons exist due to the attraction between opposite charges. The nucleus carries a positive charge, while electrons carry a negative charge. This attraction keeps the electrons in orbit around the nucleus, creating stability within the atom.

What is the attraction and repulsion forces between subatomic particles?

Subatomic particles can experience attraction or repulsion due to electromagnetic forces. Positively charged particles, like protons, repel each other, while negatively charged particles, like electrons, can be attracted to positively charged particles. The strength of these forces depends on the distance between the particles and the magnitude of their charges.

What forces hold an atom's nucleus together?

The primary forces that hold an atom's nucleus together are the strong nuclear force, which is attractive and overcomes the electrostatic repulsion between positively charged protons, and the weak nuclear force, which is responsible for certain types of radioactive decay. These forces play a critical role in maintaining the stability of the atom's nucleus.

Which particle has the greatest chance of overcoming the electrostatic forces surrounding the nucleus of an atom?

An electron has the greatest chance of overcoming the electrostatic forces surrounding the nucleus of an atom. This is because electrons are much lighter and can be easily influenced by external forces, allowing them to move around the nucleus within the electron cloud.

What is a main difference between gravitational and electr onic forces is that electrical forces?

The main difference between gravitational and electronic forces is that electrical forces originate from the interaction between charged particles, such as electrons and protons, while gravitational forces arise from the mass of objects. Additionally, electrical forces can be attractive or repulsive based on the charges involved, whereas gravity is always an attractive force between masses.

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What is the attraction and repulsion forces between subatomic particles?

Subatomic particles can experience attraction or repulsion due to electromagnetic forces. Positively charged particles, like protons, repel each other, while negatively charged particles, like electrons, can be attracted to positively charged particles. The strength of these forces depends on the distance between the particles and the magnitude of their charges.

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What keeps electrons in the space around a nucleus?

The electrostatic forces between the protons and the electrons keep it in orbit.

Why the protons in the nucleus have less repulsion than electron?

Because they are farther away from the nucleus than protons, and they have more freedom as in where to move, because they fly around the nucleus in no particular order.

What are the properties of the strong force?

The strong force is one of the four fundamental forces in nature. It is responsible for holding protons and neutrons together in the nucleus of an atom. It is a short-range force, acting only over distances on the order of the size of an atomic nucleus.

Why does not a heavy atom eject electrons from its shells and instead emits alpha and beta particles?

The reason a heavy atom breaks apart is, precisely, because of an instability in its nucleus. Note that the forces within the nucleus are several orders of magnitude stronger than the forces between the nucleus and the electrons.

Does the dispersion force increase down the halogens?

Yes, the dispersion force generally increases down the halogens due to the increase in the number of electrons and polarizability of the atoms. This results in stronger temporary dipoles that lead to stronger dispersion forces as you move down the halogen group from fluorine to iodine.

What is responsible for keeping electrons in orbit around the nucleus?

The positive charge of some components in the nucleus.

What are the attractive forces of plasma?

The attractive forces are electrical forces between opposing charges.

What electron forces exist between the nucleus and the outermost electrons?

The main electron forces between the nucleus and the outermost electrons are the electrostatic attraction between the positively charged nucleus and the negatively charged electrons, and the centrifugal force resulting from the electrons' motion around the nucleus. Additionally, electron-electron repulsion forces can come into play due to the repulsion between negatively charged electrons.

Explain what electric forces between oppositely charged electrons and protons have to do with chemical reactions?

When metals react, they lose electronsto become stable and sometimes form a compound.Now, electrons are negatively charged, and the nucleus, due to the presence of protons, is positively charged.As the atom of the metalgets bigger in size, the valency shell, which holds the valency electron, becomes farther away from the nucleus.The attraction between the valency electron (on the last shell) and the nucleus decreases, so the atom of this type of metal is considered to be reactive as the electron becomes easily lost due to weak forces pulling it towards the nucleus.

What are the attractive and repulsive forces involved in a covalent bond and how do their total strengths compare?

when a bond is formed then the forces of attraction are dominant to the forces of repulsion.for a chemical bond to be formed this is compulsory.