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In my opinion, all dogs like their belly rubbed. I have no idea why, but they love it.

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14y ago
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11y ago
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yea they love it

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annalyse harrison

Lvl 2
4y ago

heck to the ya they like there backs rubed expecialy on their tomys.

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Why do dogs like tummy rubs?

I don't know of any dog that doesn't like to have its belly rubbed. Mine loved it. It must feel good. they do but get restless quick unless tired

Do cats like there Bellie rubbed?

yes and no. its kinda like marmite they love it or hate it. you can test this theory by wearing gardening gloves for protection.....good luck! :) my cat hates it but my friends cat loves getting his belly rubbed.

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It depends on the dog. My three English bulldogs love being rubbed in different places. One loves being rubbed on the neck. Another loves being rubbed on the belly. The other loves being on the back.

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As with most animals, cats allowing another organism, be it animal or human touch its body is a big sign of trust. Because the belly is where the vital organs are the most accessible, they are very protective of it. Unless a cat lays near you stretched out with its belly facing you, it probably does not want its belly rubbed and will not change its mind.

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Having his/her belly rubbed, going on walks, playing fetch (you can use a branch is you want).

Why do dogs like belly rubs?

The reason dogs want there belly's rubbed is because it shows them you love them and you trust and care for them. However if you don't rub your dogs belly they might think other wise like they don't love me or care for me.

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Why do dogs like their bellies rubbed?

Dogs like all petting from humans. Belly rubs are particularly enjoyable because dogs can't reach their own bellies well with their mouths or paws, so it's satisfying to them to have that area rubbed by someone who can reach it. (That's why they like scratches behind their ears, too.)

Do beagles like to hunt?

Yes, Beagles do like to hunt. They were originally breed to hunt small birds, rabbits and other small animals.

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Yes at the MTV award she unbuttoned her shirt and rubbed her belly.

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I rubbed my baby's belly and she calmed down try it

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