

Do electronics rot your brain

Updated: 9/20/2023
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13y ago

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Technically, they rot your eyes. But, yes. If you are playing an m (and ao) rated game, the violence can lead you to criminal activity. It has been proven that electronic screens cause humans to blink less and less frequently causing your eyes to not get as much water. This can damage your site, so every 30-45 minutes, I recommend, you should stop playing Video Games and blink your eyes and do a little exercise to get your body up in motion. Besides the fact that your eyes can get damaged, fun games that you can play on the internet like on Funbrain or Poptropica actually benefit your brain. They help with hand-eye coordination and learning skills. Other game consoles like the Wii and Xbox 360 now have you exercise while you play your favorite games because in the Wii you use a board to guide you around obstacles or run laps around a track while you don't even realize you are exercise and you still can play your favorite games. For the Xbox 360, they have a motion sensory device where you don't even need a controller, and you still get exercise.

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