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Q: Do human being produce secondary metabolites?
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Is it possible to splice synthetic DNA into a human being to produce an enhanced human?

Not yet. Work has been going on with bacteria.

What is DNA technology is being used to produce medicines by?

Growing genetically engineered bacteria and collecting human DNA/proteins that they produce.

Are omnivores primary consumers or secondary consumers?

A human being is a Third level consumer. A human can eat a second and first level consumer as well. Actually, humans can be both.

Who is the secondary host in malaria?


What does MAN means?

manning means a god or it is what it says

Does human being have electricity?

It is true human beings do produce electricity and scientifically a healthy active individual can light up a small bulb for 10 seconds.

Is man a social being or an economic being?

Man is a social being with a social contract with the society but with economic ability to produce good and services for his economic human wants and needs.

Why is ozone called a secondary pollutant?

Ozone is called a secondary pollutant because it is not directly emitted into the atmosphere. Instead, it is formed from chemical reactions between primary pollutants such as nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the presence of sunlight. These reactions produce ozone as a secondary byproduct, which can be harmful to human health and the environment.

How many chromosomes are needed to produce a new human being?

46 chromosomes are needed . 23 from the males sprem and 23 from the females egg.

What range of sounds can a human produce?

The human voice typically ranges from 85 to 255 Hz. Through technology, human's can produce any frequency sound.

What does a human brain do?

Produce bumfluff

Why has the secondary sector been declining?

machienes are replancing human workers