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Of course. Every living thing has a common ancestor. Humans and flies are both in the animalia kingdom.

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11y ago

Yes, considering that both are mammals. Cats and humans share around 90% of genetic material. For more, see the Cat Genome Project.

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Q: Do humans share a common ancestor with cats?
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Cats and humans share similar X and Y chromosomes, in fact the two species shared a common ancestor about 90 million years ago and share 90% of (homologous) genes with humans

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Virtually everything about them, from their morphology to their embryological development to their behaviour to their genomes.

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No, humans are not "part monkey."lol: 'you humans'- somebody's cat is on wikianswers.No, we humans are not part monkey. I think you are referring to the theory of evolution which states that humans, apes and monkeys (as well as all life (including you cats)) have a common ancestor.

How can DNA be used to support the theory that all species share common ancestry?

Humans share around 99.9 percent of their DNA after all we all are humans and only a small amount is what makes you, you. Chimpanzees are 97% similar to humans. Cats have 90% of homologous genes with humans, 82% with dogs, 80% with cows, 69% with rats and 75% of mouse genes have equivalents in humans. And about 60% of chicken genes correspond to a similar human genes

What common ancestor do cats and chickens share?

They are both warm blooded animals, but one mammal, one bird, so it would a while back. Perhaps even almost as far back as the common ancestor of us all, some single celled amoeba wallowing in a warm, muddy swamp. Who knows, it will be somewhere along that line.

How big did saber-toothed tigers grow?

Saber tooth tigers did not evolve into big cats: big cats, i.e., lions, leopards, jaguars and tigers share a common ancestor with the small cats and cheetahs (and all other living cats), and, in turn, all living cats share a common ancestor with the saber tooth tigers from the Eocene.