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Yes, I also feel bloated when I'm doing a seat up exercise. But they say it is normal, especially when you make it as your regular exercise. It is actually perfect workout in loosing beer belly or excess belly fats.

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Q: Do i you feel bloated when im doing seat up exercise?
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No, you can't be too tall for this exercise bike because you can adjust the seat to accommodate your lower body.

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The top excuse for not wearing a seat belt is the fact that people do not like to feel restricted. They want to be able to move around in the seat.

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sounds like the blend door is not working

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get in your back seat. feel along the bottom edge of your seat. you will feel two bolts. remove these and the seat will come right out. just did this to my 91 cutty to see if i could get to the fuel pump from there. 6 696 6969 12 12 dont listen to him...he cant spell

Did Rosa parks feel threatened when they made her give up her seat?

She most likely did, she was forced to leave her seat since it was the rule to give up your seat for a white person at that time.

How do you get rid of pubic lice on a toilet seat?

Pubic lice aren't able to "hold on" to a toilet seat. Doing as little as brushing off the seat with a dry piece of tissue is enough to get rid of them.