

Do kittens make good mothers

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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No. They are still learning themselves and would not take on that responsibility. They could however, teach younger kittens how to do things as the younger kitten would watch the older kitten(just as younger siblings look up to their elder siblings.

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Do kittens purr while in mothers womb?

Kittens may per while in the mother's womb, during the late stages of gestation. In most cases, kittens do not make any noises in the mothers womb.

How long do ocelot kittens live with their mothers?

ocelot kittens stay with their mothers till to they are 2 years old

How much nipples does a male cat have?

Usually the queen will have about 6 nipples ready when she has her kittens. 4 to 6 kittens are the average litter. Momma cats are for the most part very good mothers. Make sure she has plenty of food, preferably the kitten formula for the protein and vitamins needed for the kittens. Whatever food is left after the kittens are weaned can be used by the kittens. Good luck,

Can a cat get pregnant while it has kittens?

Not really, but i guess it depends how young the kittens in her tummy are. If they are quite old enough to make the mothers belly swollen then definetely it cannot even mate at the stage.

What is a baby kittens mothers name?

A mother cat is normally known as a "she"

Why do kittens kneed their mother's belly when they want milk?

The action of the kittens' paws stimulates the mothers mammary glands to produce milk.

How old can a kitten leave its mom for good?

Kittens should not leave their mothers until they are AT LEAST ten weeks old, preferably twelve or thirteen weeks.

What is the name of the mother cat in aristorcats?

The cat mothers name is Dutchas. Dutchas has three kittens, grey, black, and white kittens. This is movie was made by Disney.

Why cats don't look after their kittens?

Cat's do look after their kittens. They are very good mothers. If a mother cat is not looking after her kittens, it could be due to her being very sick, or due to a lack of food, to the extent that she does not feel they can survive. If she is not nursing them, there could be something wrong preventing her from producing milk. In a case like this, you must seek help from a vet right away or the kittens might die.

When kittens press their paws?

It's call kneading. Kittens do it while feeding on their mothers to increase milk flow. As kittens grow into cats they may continue to kneed on you or the person they feel closest to as a sign of affection.

Is it normal for Mother kittens to abandon their living kittens to look for the ones that died?

Some mother cats will do just that but not as a rule, they will feel the loss of one of their kittens the same as a human would feel, this is why there is saying that some people use to describe an "unfit mother" Cats make better mothers than her!" not a nice saying , but there it is.

How do you get kittens to sleep alone?

You put a clock (that ticks) under its blanket and it will think it is its mothers heart