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After looking at pictures I believe this type of catfish is also called 'whiptail catfish' depending on where you are/who you talk to etc and are a type of pleco. Being a pleco they are GENERALLY peaceful however in some instances have been known to be pests to tankmates by sucking the slim coat of the sides of others. I haven't ever come across them going after smaller fish and and if you see one sucking on the body on a small fish (say neon tetra) the tetra would have been dead already and the lizard catfish is just scavenging a meal. They have been successfully kept with aggressive species such as cichlids as they occupy a different niche (saying at the bottom) and have a different active period during the day (most active at night). If you do keep them with something like cichlids make sure they have plenty of hiding places and monitor your cichlids to make sure they are not territorial to your lizard catfish as some cichlids just don't tolerate the catfish's presence. This would be especially true if your cichlids are in breeding mode. Also keep in mind that if you do have a fish lay eggs around this catfish, the catfish will make attempts (usually successful) to eat the eggs esp at night.

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Q: Do lizard catfish get along with other both aggressive and peaceful fish?
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