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Yes, in basic premise all three major western forms of faith, Christianity, Judasim, and Islam, worship the same God; the God of Abraham. This God was known as Yahweh (Jehovah in English), although all three faiths currently only refer to the entitiy by his title of "God" (Allah translated into English is "God" and a title, not a proper name). Christendom started worshipping a Trinity incorporating the entities of God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit into a single triune god-head in the forth century. All three faiths claim their faith and practices are the only acceptable form of faith to God. This, plus an general ignorance of languages, proper names vs. titles, and history of both their own and the other two faiths, would cause most practitioners to say they do not worship the same entity.

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15y ago
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14y ago

It depends on your point of view. Most Monotheists would probably agree that Jews, Muslims, and Christians all pray to the same God. But they would be less likely to agree that other religions do so. But even with regard to these 3 monotheistic faiths, there is a difference of opinion. Some Christians do not believe that Allah is the same as the God they worship, even though Christians in Arabic-speaking countries call God "Allah." (Allah is the Arabic word for God, closely related to the Hebrew word for God). Some Muslims do not regard the God that Christians worship as the one true God since God is a Trinity in the Christian view. But most Muslims would agree that they worship the same God, even if they believe different things about that God.

Hinduism generally teaches that all people worship the same God, even though they do so with different names and forms. They believe that there is one God, who can be approached in many different forms, and called by many different names. So if you ask a Hindu that question, he or she would likely say yes.

Pluralists of all religious affiliations would be likely to answer yes to your question. For some of them, it is because they have broadened the definition of God, or because they view God as being so beyond what the human mind can fathom that it is just as accurate to call God "Allah" as to call God "Vishnu" or "Durga" or even "Nirvana."

Exclusivists however would likely say no.

Buddhists, while tending to be very tolerant of all religions, would likely object that they do not believe in God. Some sects of Buddhism believe in gods and pray to the deities, but they believe that one should not "take refuge" in them. One is only to take refuge in the Buddha, the Sangha (community of monks) and the Dharma. Some Buddhists are completely Atheistic. So it would be hard to say that they worship the same God as anyone, seeing as how they do not worship any God.

Nevertheless, some pluralists do believe that ultimately, even Atheistic Buddhists "worship" the same God, in that they have an ultimate goal they are striving for (nirvana for them and for all others) which can be seen as similar as the goal to which theists are striving for.

In other words, they might say something like, "What I call "God" is so beyond the human capacity to understand. And what you call "Nirvana" you also believe is beyond the human capacity to understand. In essence, then, what I call God and what you call Nirvana are really that same ultimate reality which is beyond the human capacity to understand."

This boils down to how you define God, what you believe about God, and what you believe other religions believe about God.

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9y ago

No - their concepts of God differ quite a bit. Hindus are sometimes characterized as believing in and being devoted to one god wile accepting the existence of other gods. Christians believe in one god and reject the idea of the existence of multiple deities.

Depends what religion you practise, if you are a Hindu, then yeah all the Gods are same but just have different appearances for different people. But if you are a Christian, then no, as they believe that there is only one God.

Many gods in Hinduism are more like angels and demons of Christianity, because those many hindu gods are lower gods, and they are governed by trinity Brahmaa [creator], Vishnu [who maintains] and Shiva [destroyer].. then above them exists the highest reality, "Brahmana" not Brahmaa or Brahman... be careful its Brahmana, "it" not "He", because "Brahmana" is a Sanskrit word in neuter gender, it is the pure consciousness, formless and infinite. This "Brahmana" is the highest entity for Hindus but very different from the God[s] of other religions.

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11y ago

Everyone would say yes, but then also dissagree.

The Ultimate Boss and being who makes everything happen is out there (lets call it GOD). And only revealing bits of information of itself to mankind.

The religions differ in how people have interpreted these revelations from God.

Over time humans have been trying to understand and make sense of life and decided on some conclusions of who and what this God is. That's why now the same God is painted differently in different religions.

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9y ago

No. Hinduism worships a pantheon of gods who are wholly distinct from the monotheism found in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. There is also debate between Jews, Christians, and Muslims about whether all three actually worship the same single God.

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9y ago

I would hope so. Christians concentrate on the Son. Judiasm on the Father. I was absent for Hindusim; don't know. Islam on the Father.

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No, not all religions believe in a supreme being. Some religions are polytheistic, worshipping multiple gods and goddesses, while others are non-theistic, focusing on ethical teachings and self-improvement rather than the worship of a deity.

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The three monotheistic or Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) all worship the same one God. Other religions worship various different Gods and beings. For example. Buddhism is based on the teachings of Buddha, Hinduism does not worship any one God or claim any one Prophet, and traditional Chinese religion recognises hundreds of Gods and Godesses.

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Because they worship the same God.

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