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There may still be some isolated cases or outbreaks in limited locations around the world, including in Australia. However, the specifics and counts of cases are no longer being tracked now that the pandemic has been declared over. Influenza cases are still monitored as they always have been, but specific H1N1/09 counts aren't available separately from other influenza reporting any longer.

Australia had thousands of cases of Swine Flu in 2009, with the greatest number in the state of Victoria. The first swine flu death was recorded in June 2009, Australia's winter, around the same time that over 1000 cases of swine flu were noted.

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Q: Do people in Australia still have Swine Flu?
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Is Swine Flu forgotten?

No it is not a lot of people have still got swine flu. Even the news is no doubt still going on about it.

Is Swine Flu in Austria?

So far there is around 88 - uncomfired cases in Australia...meaning these people are being tested for the swine flu. So far, they haven't found a single person in Australia comfired to have swine flu. 1 May 2009

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In Enfield, which is situated in Adelaide, in South Australia, the country Olsh, has the Swine Flu. It is not very bad, and few people have it, but it would be best not to got there at this time.

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Who gets the Swine Flu?

Most people who are not vaccinated against the swine flu or who have not had the swine flu will get it if exposed to it. Those who have had the vaccines will be immune.

After you had the Swine Flu do you still have germs of the Swine Flu in you?

Yes, but they are slowly being killed off by your immune system if you are otherwise healthy.

Has Swine Flu Killed Regan Young?

Regan young has not been killed by swine flu because he is still alive and living.

Has anyone in irlam got Swine Flu?

yes iv heard of at least 3 people with swine flu

Is the Swine Flu in Oregon Salem yet?

is the swine flu in Oregon yet is the swine flu in Oregon yet is the swine flu in Oregon yet is the swine flu in Oregon yet

What countries are worst infected by Swine Flu besides Mexico?

England and Australia are being hit very hard by swine flu at the moment. And might be the worst places to go in terms of swine flu. But we all seem to be doing ok at this time.

Are the flu and Swine Flu the same?

No, Swine Flu is just one strain of the many flu viruses. Flu is an abbreviation for influenza. So Swine Flu is a type of flu, but all flu is not the swine flu, there are other kinds.

Do you have to have a Swine Flu needle to survive?

To survive what? Getting the swine flu? No, you do not have to be immunized to survive. Most people will survive getting the flu, but older people and really young people are at risk of dying.