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because the American system to me alwayy has to be voted in by elected official of the supreme court.No.

And how can they? Just look at your own seem to have just been judge and jury for anyone that someone else has accused of anything -- and you apparently feel they are all guilty - or at least not law abidding! They are accused. Sometimes wrongly and by people who themselves are misdirected. Convoluted ideas like the one in your question actually indicate that the accused should have, because they need, more protection...

I guess your definition of "law abiding" is all those that haven't been accused? Because I'll wager that the list of people who haven't been "accused" of ....jay walking, cheating on taxes, or hurting someone or thing, a very different list than those who actually haven't done those things.

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Q: Do the accused in the US of the US have more rights than law abiding citizens?
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Why was the bill of rights added to the constitution prior to the radification?

Some states or people (like Virginia's Patrick Henry) thought that the Constitution did not adequately protect individual citizens' rights. Therefore, a Bill of Rights was added so more states would ratify the Constitution, and the American people were afforded more protection than with the Constitution alone. The Bill of Rights added a significant number of rights and privileges not given to citizens under the Constitution alone.

What was a result of the US Constitution being expanded to include the amendments?

More people were able to become citizens, and civil rights were expanded

Is the Bill of Rights a list of states rights?

Not is a list of all our individual rights as citizens. States have every right except the few listed in us constitution.....states actually have more power constitutionally than the feds.

What was the effect in the US of expanding voting rights?

When voting rights were extended to citizens who previously did not have voting rights, there was more pluralism in the US. When the 19th Amendment was passed in 1920, the votes granted to women expanded the numbers of people voting in the US.

How does the preamble bill of rights and the constitution helps us?

It gives America all their rights as citizens. Freedom of speech, right to remain silent (pleading the fifth) and more. Without the constitution and bill of rights, we would not have any rights and the government would easily tear us apart.

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All citizens of the UK have equal rights under the law. In the UK it is illegal to discriminate against someone because of their race, religion, gender, sexuality or disability and that includes Welsh people!

What distinctions can be made about the rights of the accused and how these rights protect the accused?

You get a lawyer to protect accused bring you in it to look up more info ect. ?

Which two amendments guarantees a citizens' rights and beliefs?

It is more than 2 it is 10 in the bill of rights.

What does 'a mans house is his castle' mean?

It means you home is your property and your domain. It means that you are allowed to defend your home and property to the best of your ability against intruders. But don't do anything to any intruders if you live in Canada. Up here we cater to criminals; they have more rights than law abiding citizens do.

Who has more rights North or South Korea?

South Korea gives it's citizens more rights compared to the dictatorship in North Korea .

What were anti- federalist?

The constitution needed more to it, such as a bill of rights, to accurately protect the rights of its citizens for generations to come.

What was a result of the US Constitution being expanded to include the 13th and 14th and 15th Amendments?

More people were able to become citizens, and civil rights were expanded

Why are American citizens today so intent on having protection against government violations of their rights?

American citizens have always been concerned about their rights. However, as the perception that government has become more intrusive has been more accepted, people are resisting more.

Which goal of criminal punishment is more important reforming criminals into law-abiding citizens or exacting retribution of behalf of the victims of crime?

At present convicted criminals are mainly warehoused. It is impossible to reform criminals into law-abiding citizens because they have never been formed into law abiding citizens in the first place. Instead, they go to prison and come out the same as when they went in. The main reason prisons exist is because schools do not have discipline. The class clowns and students who will not learn today become the prisoners of tomorrow. Prisons are the way they are so politicians can sound tough and get elected to office. Since nothing is done to reform criminals, punishment will not do that. So that leaves retribution.

What led congress to give the government more power to ignore the privacy rights of U.S citizens?

Privacy rights have NOT been upset by Congress. Congress IS the government.

What were women's rights after the French Revolutionary Wars?

They would remain second class citizens for many more years.

How can citizens become more aware of human rights issues in their community?

research activities of special interest groups