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Q: Do turtles lay eggs that hatch snakes?
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What animals lay soft eggs?

Snakes and turtles.

Do turtles have babies?

Turtles do not have babies, they produce highly precious eggs, they retreat to the other side of the beach (away from the sea) and they burrow down around 1/2 to a foot down and bear there eggs there, then when the eggs hatch, the baby turtles head off to sea.

Where do wild turtles like to lay there eggs?

On beaches, they lay them and then hide them, then leave until they hatch.

What animals lay leathery eggs?

I'm pretty sure it's reptiles in general snakes, turtles.

What animal can lay up to thirty eggs at a time?

Snakes I think, and turtles.

Do coral snakes have their young in eggs or live?

They have them in eggs as do most snakes (pit vipers do not). The coral snake lays 2-3 eggs a clutch in the summer.

Do sea turtles stay with there babys when there born?

No. Sea turtles lay eggs and then leave. The eggs hatch about a month later, never meeting their parents.

How are baby aquatic turtles born?

Simple, the mothers lay eggs, and a few weeks later the eggs hatch!

Are turtles born in eggs?

Turtles lay eggs and therefore they 'hatch'. Turtles mate at sea and when the eggs are ready to be laid, the female comes ashore and digs a shallow nest in warm sand near the shore. She then returns to the water and never returns to the nest. After incubation the baby turtles hatch, scramble up out of the nest sand and make their way into the water.

How many eggs do box turtles lay?

Box turtles lay 2-6, sometimes 8 eggs at one time. They bury them and a few weeks later they hatch and dig to the surface.

Does the leatherback turtle lay eggs or have babies?

All reptiles lay eggs. Reptiles are animals that have scales, are cold-blooded and lay eggs, like turtles and snakes and lizards.

Do all snakes lay egg?

No, there are some snakes that let the eggs hatch inside of them, and then give a sort of live birth.