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Bloating is a common and uncomfortable menstrual symptom, with or without PMS. In addition to menses, other bloating triggers include eating certain foods (sugar, starches, salt); drinking too much alcohol (amount differs for different women; usually just two or more drinks can do it); being sedentary; lengthy travel or prolonged sitting for any reason; and certain medicines (e.g. hormone replacement therapy, progesterone, antihistamines, aspirin, antidepressants, and antibiotics). Bloating results from water retention, which in many women is influenced by the hormonal changes of our menstrual cycle. Some women document weight changes of 3-6 pounds before and after their cycle. This is water weight. Ironically, treatment tips include drinking more water, not less, as well as reducing sugar, starches and salt before and during menses. Exercise may also help. Also, be sure to get an adequate calcium intake. Studies show that women who aren't getting enough calcium are more likely to experience bloating than women who do. Premenopausal women need 1,200 mg of calcium per day; postmenopausal women need 1,500 mg/day if you have passed menopause. Getting an adequate amount of daily calcium has also been shown to reduce other symptoms of PMS as well. In some women, Birth Control pills may contribute to menstrual bloating, but some pills may reduce bloating (e.g. Yasmin, which contains a progestin with diuretic properties). Bloating is not always menstrually related, however. Women who have bloating that lasts longer than their periods should consult their physicians, particularly if they have other symptoms such as lower abdominal pain or discomfort, Back pain, weight loss and fatigue. Premenstrual water retention is a common phenomenon associated with the menstrual cycle. Water retention is most noticeable for its temporary, but uncomfortable, enlargement of the breasts. The excess fluid is lost during menstruation. During this event, the water retention can store enough extra fluid to add an extra 5-6 pounds of weight.

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Q: Do women bloat during their period pms?
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It is different for every woman. Some women do and some don't. Some women have extreme PMS symptoms while others barely have any at all. If you have extreme symptoms you may want to talk to your doctor about trying the birth control pill YAZ.

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Many women experience fuller, heavier breasts before a period. Sometimes they can be quite tender and sore too.

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it is common for women to still get their menstrual period their first trimester of pregnancy.

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you CAN have but I know that people say you CANT get pregnant while you on your period but that's NOT TRUE! so if you do still stay safe no matter what!!!

During period girl hurst?

Your period doesn't hurt but if you get PMS getting you're period might hurt. Go to or for any further information!

When you are pregnant and have your period is it accompanied by pms symptoms like bloating and sore breasts?

what i mean is, have those symptoms before and during period, but not all the time.

Is it possible to have PMS symptoms but no period to follow?

some people experince pms or signs of there period without getting it after....this can mean that you are pregnant.

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How long before your minstral cycle can you PMS?

The start time for symptoms associated with your period can vary with the individual, just like the actual amount of time your period lasts. Most people start getting cramps, becoming irritable, and experiencing breast tenderness during the week before the actual period starts.

If you have PMS does that mean you have to have your period My period is 1 day late and i had PMS but does having PMS mean that i cant be pregnant?

Early pregnancy symptoms can mimic PMS, including fatigue, mood changes and breast tenderness. Cramping can accopany implantation of the embryo. Feeling these things does not necessarily mean that you are going to have a period. Wait for your period, or buy some early accuracy home pregnancy tests.