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I am pretty sure you should brush the bottom before you put in the chlorine, but you should check with another source because I am not positive.

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Q: Do you brush the pool bottom before or after you put the chlorine in to shock it?
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Is pool shock the same as chlorine?

There is chlorine shock and non chlorine shock. Fo chlorine shock, which is the normal shock, it is the same a s Chlorine but unstabilized, so it will not last in the pool very long.

Is pool stabilizer and shock the same?

No, pool shock is normally a really strong chlorine and stabilizer is like sunscreen for the chlorine

How do you remove green algae from the bottom of your pool and how can you stop it from returning?

Shock the pool with chlorine (your Pool shop will tell you how much to add). Run the filter constantly, cleaning as necessary, for a couple of days. Brush pool walls as well. Then install a salt water system and you won't get that algae coming back.

Can you shock the pool and add clarifier?

It may kill the algae but the algae needs to be filtered or the pool will remain green and cloudy You need to dissolve the chlorine and pour around the pool then brush the pool in order to not damage your plaster. This will help get the chlorine throughout the pool.

Why does the pool water get milky after cleaning?

If it happens after you vacuum your filter is not retaining the dirt.If it happens after you brush you are stirring up the dirt. If it happens after you put chlorine, check your water balance at your local store and make sure you are not using calcium hypochlorite as your chlorine shock.

How can you change combined chlorine to free available chlorine?

Just shock it to break point and your at free chlorine.

How do you close a salt chlorinated pool if before the salt chlorine generator you would shock the pool and add algaecide but you have never had to do this with the salt system?

the same as before. whoever told you that you didnt have to shock and use algaecide lied. the same as before. whoever told you that you didnt have to shock and use algaecide lied.

What are the benefits of non-chlorine shock powder vs liquid chlorine to shock pool water?

After non-chlorine shock there is not any waiting time for swimming. Though it is still best to add it in at night, you could add anytime and swim right away.

Is liquid chlorine the same as hth shock and swim?

No liquid shock is more concentrated

How do you convert a Bacqucil pool to chlorine?

It,s easy. Just Shock your pool with a chlorine shock and then make sure the chlorine level is where you need it to be. It, more involved if you go from Chlorine to Bacqucil. but why would you want to Bacqucil is so much nicer and easier.

How do you shock a 20x48 pool?

The easiest way is to use 4 lb of non-chlorine shock. Hatawa

Why is it important to understand the chemical composition of chlorinating agents used swimming pools before using them?

Because each different type of chlorine will effect your pH differently. Each type of chlorine also leaves behind different ingredient residuals. For example.. Liquid chlorine leaves behind some salt, tablets leave behind chlorine stabilizer, some shock bags leave behind calcium and other shock bags leave behind chlorine stabilizer. There are many other types... Also, do not ever mix them together. The results could be chemically life threatening and explosive. Bottom the label and really know what you are buying.