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Q: Do you capitalize the word revolution when referring to the American Revolution?
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Something on the amrician revolution?

I assume you are referring to the American Revolution. There's that.

Was the revolution truly a revolution?

The question is unanswerable unless the particular revolution is specified. If the question is referring to the American Revolution, please see the Related Question in the links below.

Frederick douglass in the revolution?

If you are referring to the American Revolution, no, he was not. He was a famous abolitionist in the years prior to the Civil War.

Should 'American Revolution' be capitalized?

Yes, "American Revolution" should be capitalized as it is a proper noun referring to a specific historical event.

Was the American Revolution an accelerated revolution or a cataclysmic revolution?

The American revolution WAS an cataclysmic revolution.

Who won the American Revolution north or south?

I think you are referring to the Civil War in which the north won. In the American Revolution the sides were the colonies and Britain. The colonies won in that war.

Why have the American people been drawn to all general or world wars since 1688?

why have American,and how did they revolution , how did they move to the American why have American,and how did they revolution , how did they move to the American why have American,and how did they revolution , how did they move to the American why have American,and how did they revolution , how did they move to the American why have American,and how did they revolution , how did they move to the American why have American,and how did they revolution , how did they move to the American why have American,and how did they revolution , how did they move to the American

How was the American revolution involved with latin America in 1750-1914?

The answer depends on the American country you're referring to.

Which took place first French revolution or American Revolution?

The American Revolution.

What was Edmund Burkes' philosophical position in relation to both the American and French Revolution?

American Revolution - for French Revolution - against American Revolution - for French Revolution - against

Did The french revolution happen before the American Revolution?

The French Revolution happened during 1789-1799 and the American Revolution happened during 1775-1783. So the French Revolution happened before the American Revolution.

How did the French Revolution influence th American Revolution?

It didn't. The American Revolution was over before the French Revolution began.