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certain places it is illegal to own ferrets such as New York and California and Hawaii, i would recommend some one who is great with responsibality to own ferrets a lot goes in to their care,

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Depends on your city government ordinances, you will have to contact them.

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Q: Do you need a license to have a ferret?
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Where to get a license to own a Ferret?

Check with the city you live on their licensing requirements and ask if one is needed for a ferret Once your ferret has his vaccinations, a veterinarian can apply for you to have a city license.

Does your male ferret need a Jill?

If your male ferret has not been altered and is in season, if you would like to breed him, then he would need a Jill ferret.

Do ferret cages have to be off the ground?

No the ferret cage does not need to be off the ground.

What does your ferret need to be fat?

lots of unhealthy treats.... why would you want a fat ferret? they're not as playful and it's bad for the ferret

How do you treat ferret bedding for fleas?

First you need to treat the ferret for fleas, then you wash the bedding.

What can be done if a ferret is is fed dog food?

As long as the ferret ate a little, it will be okay. A ferret fed dog food continually will die. Ferrets need to be fed ferret food only.

What is the best kind of ferret to purchase?

It depends on your lifestyle. A baby ferret will need to have lots of human attention to be properly socialized and correct training. An adopted older ferret should already be trained and not as hyper as a baby ferret.

Is it good to have more then one ferret or can you just have one?

You can have one ferret but it is recommended that you have at least two. Ferrets are extremely social creatures and need company. Without it they become depressed and may be harder to handle. If you have only one ferret you will need to spend at least 3-4 hours a day playing with the ferret. If you have two ferrets you won't need to spend as long with them as they will play together.

What could be wrong if a ferret loses clump of hair?

There are several possible causes for a ferret to lose fur. If your ferret is active and appears healthy, it may be normal seasonal changes. Otherwise your ferret need a veterinarian checkup for possible causes from illness

What should you do if your ferret has an unbalanced walk weight loss and hair loss?

Your ferret is seriously ill and you need to contact your veterinarian immediately

Do you need a tetanus booster if bitten by a pet ferret?

No. you don't have to get a needle if your ferret bites you. Unless you didn't get your ferret his rabies vaccination and he has rabies, then you would need an inoculation.

What does one need to go ferreting?

There are four main pieces of equipment needed to go ferret hunting. The first is a specialized shovel for digging called a rabbiting spade. Next one will need a small ferret net to capture the animal and a specialized ferret box to store and transport it once captured. Finally, one will need a ferret finding device to help one track and locate ferrets.