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if you really want to challenge yourself, try putting your arms crossed on just above your breast bone near your shoulders

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Q: Do you put your hands behind your neck when doing situps?
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How does a thin man build abdominal muscle without losing weight?

Exercise. If you are thin, you will gain weight by exercising. People that are overweight will lose weight by exercising. Thing of it as the equalizing factor. It helps both under and overweight people get to a happy medium. Crunches on an exercise ball are the best. If you do standard situps, be sure not to put your hands behind your neck because this can put strain on your neck, try overlapping your hands on the base of your neck, and then support your head by squeezing your forearms together to hold you jaw in place.

What have a neck but no hands?

A bottle has a neck but no hands.

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You put your hands behind your head like your holding on to the back of your neck but with the ball in your hands. You then throw it back over your head. If the ball is behind your head enough it is considered a foul.

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Full Nelson

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butt and thighs -> lunges stomach -> situps arms you should do curls and skull crushers. Neck bridges can help your neck, but be careful!

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After playing in the mud, the children's hands were grubby.

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Buld it up. Look into his eyes, put your hands behind his neck and pull him close, and kiss him. What kind of kiss are we talking about?

Is there an exercise to keep your triceps in shape if you have weak shoulders?

Use a dumb bell weight or a full gallon jug. Put one weight in both hands and put your hands straight up. (not one weight in each hand, one weight total, both hands on it) Then bend your elbows so your hands go behind your head. You need to keep your head up, neck and back straight and knees slightly bend with your feet about shoulder width apart. When you bend your elbows, your hands should go behind your head to the base of your neck. Then straighten your elbows and repeat. Hope this one works for you.

Is it illegal to have tattoos on your neck or hands?

not where i live

What has a neck no head and has arms but no hands?


What a head and no neck and arms and no hands?


What are the advantages of doing exercises for the neck?

Some advantages of doing exercises for the neck include reducing neck pain and strengthening your neck muscles overall. This can help reduce the potential for whiplash and other injuries of the neck.