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Not until various medications have had an adequate trial. Many people with Bipolar disorder can lead productive lives with the help of medications and therapy. Education about the disorder can also be quite helpful.

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Q: Do you recommend a high school student with bipolar disorder to get their GED if they are having trouble in school?
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What if someone is misdiagnosed with Bipolar disorder- are there negative effects of a non bipolar person taking bipolar medications?

That all depends on the medication. Different medicines used to treat bipolar are often used for many other purposes. Tegretol, for example, is sometimes prescribed for bipolar but is also used to treat certain kinds of headaches. Seroquel, as another popular example, is often used for sleep or for depression.

What could cause extreme agitation sever headache and trouble concentrating?

Conditions that could cause extreme agitation, severe headache and trouble concentrating include depression, bipolar disorder or generalized anxiety disorder. Ocular problems, have an eye test. Dehydration.

An Introduction to Bipolar Illness?

Bipolar illness affects nearly 5.7 million people in the United States. The disorder is the sixth leading cause of disabilities across the globe and can significantly effect the lives of those diagnosed. The following information can dispel stereotypes about this mental illness.What is Bipolar Disorder?Bipolar disorder is a mental illness characterized by severe mood swings. The bipolar spectrum consists of several types of the disorder that are differentiated by the severity of symptoms.What are the Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder?Bipolar I disorder is marked by mood swings that cause a significant disturbance in daily life and relationships. Patients diagnosed with bipolar II disorder experience mood swings but are still able to function normally and have relatively health relationships. A type of bipolar illness called cyclothymic disorder is characterized by more mild mood swings.During the manic phase of bipolar disorder, patients often report feeling a sense of euphoria, have an increased sex drive and are easily distracted. They may also engage in risky behavior, including going on shopping sprees or drug or alcohol binges. Agitation, aggression, racing thoughts and rapid speech are also common during the manic phase.The depressive phase is marked by feelings of anxiety, hopelessness, guilt and irritability. Patients in this phase may have suicidal thoughts or engage in self-harming behavior. Others may find it difficult to concentrate, experience a reduced appetite, have trouble sleeping or suffer from chronic pain with no apparent cause.What are the Causes of Bipolar Disorder?Doctors are still not sure what causes the disorder but have identified some factors that may trigger the mood swings. During mood swings, the brain goes through a physical change that may be caused by an imbalance in neurotransmitters. Hormonal imbalances and genetics may also play a role. People who are closely related to someone that has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder are more likely to develop the disorder themselves.

Can seroquel be used for bowel trouble?

You failed to mention what the 'bowel trouble' was. Seroquel (dibenzothiazepine) is a medication prescribed for acute mania in bipolar 1 disorder. One of seroquel's side-effects is constipation and heartburn (reflux). So, it would be in your best interest to discuss the matter with your psychiatrist.

About Bipolar Illness?

Bipolar disorder or bipolar illness is a mood disorder. Individuals who suffer from this disorder have mood changes from severe excitement or mania to extremely low periods of depression. The mood swings can last for short time periods or for several months at a time. This disorder is sometimes difficult for professionals to diagnose because of the symptoms. Doctors sometimes misdiagnose people with major depressive disorder during a bipolar depressive episode. On the other hand, they sometimes diagnose people with anxiety during a manic episode. In order for an individual to receive a proper diagnosis for bipolar disorder, he or she must fit certain criteria.Types of Bipolar DisorderThere are three types of bipolar disorder: type I, type II, and cyclothymia. Individuals with type I bipolar disorder must experience at least one manic episode followed by a period of depression. People with type II bipolar disorder must experience episodes of hypomania followed by depression. Hypomania is not as severe as mania. The individual may only exhibit impulsive behaviors and high levels of energy. Cyclothymia is a lower level bipolar disorder. The individual will most likely experience only mild depression and hypomania.Mania vs. Depression SymptomsA manic episode is a very agitated state of existence. During the manic phase of bipolar, the individual will have an extremely elevated mood. He or she may engage in risky behaviors such as gambling or having sex with many partners. He or she may also talk frequently, have trouble sleeping, and experience racy thoughts. The individual may also be easily angered and have negative emotional outbursts.Depression is quite the opposite of mania. A bipolar individuals in a depressed state will usually feel worthless and helpless. He or she may have trouble making it to work due to the sadness and lack of energy. The individual may not enjoy normal daily activities. He or she may even choose to sleep all day or ignore hygiene.In order for a doctor to diagnose a person with bipolar disorder, that person must experience both manic and depressive episodes. The doctor is more likely to give a proper diagnosis if the patient visits several times. He or she must also disclose all symptoms to the physician.

Does bipolar affect your daily life?

Yes. Those with bipolar disorder have happy, high-energy moments and sad, hopeless moments known as "manic episodes" and "depressive episodes". During manic episodes, they might end up engaging in more impulsive behavior, starting arguments and doing things that might harm themselves in some way. During depressive episodes, they can withdraw from social events or cause others to not want to be around them because they seem to "bring down the mood". People with bipolar disorder can also have trouble maintaining a permanent job because they might take days off or become hospitalized due to the disorder.

How can a kid with bipolar disorder live a normal life?

Get the best medical treatment that you can manage, do everything you are told, and don't give up. You should be aware of a few things. Psych meds take a long time to work sometimes. Don't expect immediate miracles. Also, it may take several tries to find the right combination of meds and adjust the doses. Finally, DO NOT GO OFF THE MEDS without talking to the doctor. Bipolar Disorder is treatable, but sometimes if you go off the medications they will not work reliably if you begin taking them again. Many folks with bipolar disorder live relatively normal lives, but getting there can be a lot of work. Considering the alternative, however, it's well worth the trouble.

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You say disorder 'trouble' in French.

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What is the difference between depression and bi polar?

The main difference between them is that people with depression experience only depression, whereas people afflicted by bipolar disorder experience both depression and hypomania or mania. When someone is depressed they often link everything to being their fault and often feel like suicide.Whereas, my friend who has bipolar is different in the sense that when you have bipolar, you experience happy and sad emotions, that contrast each other greatly. I see my friend having a laugh and enjoying herself. Then totally depressed another time.Bipolar disorder causes dramatic mood swings-from overly "high" and/or irritable (Mania) to sad and hopeless (Depression), and then back again, often with periods of normal mood in between. Severe changes in energy and behavior go along with these changes in mood. The periods of highs and lows are called episodes of mania and depression. People with bipolar disorder can have episodes of mild to severe mania in addition to severe depressive episodes. (Mild mania is called hypomania. )There are 2 main types of bipolar disorder. Bipolar 1 includes severe depressive and manic episodes and in some cases visual or auditory hallucinations. Bipolar 2 includes hypomania alternating with depression.

Are there any residential options for an 18 year old girl with bipolar disorder and learning disorder She is treated but has trouble finding a job and providing structure to her life. Our family could use some help now. We are in crisis. Thank you!?

The only free shelter would be a homeless shelter or psych hospital stay. Otherwise you may be able to buy her into a program that could help her adjust.

What is dyxlexia?

Disorder where the brain has trouble processing symbols correctly, usually when reading.