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Of course he does, when there is a flag to look at. Not all playing of the anthem is accompanied by a display of the flag or a salute, as any sports fan knows. Some sporting events do feature both the anthem and the flag, but a majority just have the singing of the anthem and then the game begins. What you are quoting is an internet myth that was spread by some anti-Obama talk show hosts. There is no truth to it at all. Nor is there any truth that he refuses to salute the flag or that he was on TV saying he doesn't believe in the flag.

There are many photos of the president looking at, showing respect to, and saluting, the flag. But it should be noted that the custom of saluting or placing hand on heart during the National Anthem is recent, and only became popular after 9/11. Thus, you may see many politicians listening to the anthem and not saluting (or placing hand on heart), because it was never customary to do so until fairly recently.

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Q: Does Barack Obama look at the American flag during the national anthem?
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If you are an American, during the playing of the National Anthem, you should stand, face the flag, and place your right hand over your heart. Veterans and members of the military MAY render the hand salute instead if they wish. If you are not an American (or if an American, but present at the playing of some OTHER country's national anthem) you should stand, stay respectfully quiet, but do not place hand on heart.

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Yes, it would be insulting.

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