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Yea i dont know why it wouldnt...but if i have left over tanning oil from the previous year left over, i will definetly use it the next year, and ive never noticed a difference.

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Q: Does Dark tanning oil with no sunscreen still work after a year?
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Are tanning bed lotions only for tanning beds?

Nope! Tanning lotions work by being activated by UV light, so whether your indoor tanning or outdoor tanning, you can still use a tanning lotion. Using a lotion specifically for tanning will dramatically help boost your color to get darker faster, plus it has a lot of vitamins and minerals to help prevent fine lines and wrinkles.

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tanning lotionswhy dsnt it work on my legs and it cums off when i lie down I don't know about tanning lotion, but the best thing to use to cover stretch marks and any uneven skin tones is cocoa butter.

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At my work all the girls who work at the tanning salon get free tanning. I'm sure it depends from salon to salon. The reason we get free tanning is so we can look tan, if a customer comes in to tan, and they see someone pale behind the desk, they will think the tanning beds at that salon don't work. Basically giving us free tanning makes us a walking billboard, someone will ask me where I tan and I will say my work name, and then they will go there because I look so tan. Simple

Does sunscreen work?

yes because it helps you be protected of the sun

Why use natural sunscreen on your body rather than regular sunscreen?

Well, natural sunscreen has many useful benefits that normal sunscreen does not have. A natural sunscreen for example can provide much vitamins and mineral that are beneficial for your skin in many ways. The regular sunscreen on the other hand can contain many ineffective chemicals and is not as effective as a natural sunscreen.

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Does a tanning bed pillow work while tanning?

Yes just make sure it is comfortable. Here is a guide to selecting one