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Q: Does a cat get out of heat when she is succsesfully mated?
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How will you no if shes mated with a tom cat?

If your cat has been outside while she has been in heat, she has mated. Keep her inside until her heat period has passed. One kitten is produced per mating. Cat gestation is roughly 9 weeks.

How can you if tell if a male cat has just mated with a female?

You can't tell except by watching them mate. If the female is in heat and there are many males around it is most likely one if not more have mated with her.

What warrior cat mated with a kittypet?

Sandstorm, because she mated with firestar

Can a dog get have puppies if not in heat?

Only if she mated successfully whilst in heat.

How many times does a cat need to be mated?

2 or more.

What does it mean if a stray black cat comes in your house and haves kittens?

If you have a boy cat, that probably means that she has mated with your cat.

What if a cat has not mated with a male cat but it still has kittens?

As innocent as you think your kitty is, it is impossible for a cat to conceive without intercourse.

How is a cat pregnant?

Because they have not gotten spayed yet and have mated with a male cat, who fertilized the female and then they had kittens.

How do you get a cat out of heat without going to a veterinarian?

You can't. A cat will continue to come into to heat until it is mated (then will be back in season as soon as the kittens are weaned) or spayed. Due to the greatly reduced risk of many health problems such as cancer in a spayed animal (not to mention spraying around the house and desperately trying to escape outside), spaying a cat is highly recommended.

Did Stalin ever succsesfully take over Russia?


How do you spell succsesfully?

Without the transposed S, the spelling is successfullydone.

My cat mated with her son are the kittens going to be deformed?

no they will just inherit the same genes