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Unfortunately in the case of premarital underage sex, it will most likely not hold up especially if the child whose parents are pressing charges is still at the age where the parents can charge even if the child says they did and still do want it. In Missouri that age is 16, under 16 the parents can charge even if the child is the same age as the other and says they were a willing participant.

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Q: Does a verbal premarital agreement with credible witnesses stand up in court?
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What are the legal ramifications for breaking a verbal agreement?

A breach of verbal agreement is when for example: You make a spoken agree with a landlord to clean your house when you move out. You move out and leave it all dirty. You have breached a verbal agreement. Its kind of like breaking a promaise!

Can you take someone to small claims court on a verbal agreement?

Yes, you can take someone to small claims court based on a verbal agreement. However, it may be more challenging to prove the terms of the agreement without a written contract. It's important to gather any evidence or witnesses that can support your claim.

Does a verbal agreement require witnessess?

I'm pretty sure that you do need one or that there is a written agreement that all people involved have and have signed.Another answer:An oral agreement or contract does not inherently require witnesses. However, as there is no physical record of such an agreement, without witnesses, the nature of the agreement, or even if an agreement exists becomes a matter of one's word against another. As such, oral agreements, and especially non-witnessed ones, are not typically considered secure.

Does a lease agreement be a verbal agreement?

No it doesn't.

Does a verbal agreement stand up in court?

In some cases, yes, a verbal agreement can be legally binding and enforceable in court. However, it may be difficult to prove the terms of the agreement without written documentation or witnesses. It is generally advisable to put important agreements in writing to avoid misunderstandings and legal disputes.

Is a verbal agreement legally binding in Florida?

No. Not Florida, but maybe Texas. A verbal agreement, like a wedding vow would be binding. To "unwind" the verbal agreement will probably require a divorce lawyer.

You had a verbal agreement with someone and they have broken it and now they have issued a claim form on you What would happen in court?

ADDED: I disagree with the previous answer. In my experience, verbal agreements are NOT admissable in court. Unless there were witnesses to the agreement who can be produced for testimony, if you cannot prove via signed paperwork that an agreement was made, it is a case of one's word against the other. You MAY find a judge/magistrate willing to hear your argument and attempt to get the two of you to mediate a settlement, but a verbal agreement is NOT legally enforceable. -end- Verbal agreements/contracts are admissible in Court. When you say a claim form has been issued do you mean a Summons? You have received notification of a Small Claims Court filing? The person suing you will present his/her evidence, including his/her version of your oral agreement, and you will present your evidence, including your version of your oral agreeement, the Judge will listen to both sides and decide which is more credible - and either deny the other person's claim or give the other person a Judgment against you.

For small claims verbal contract how can I win in court if I have no written agreement or witnesses?

To win a small claims case based on a verbal contract without written agreement or witnesses, you can present any supporting documentation such as emails, texts, or receipts that reference the agreement. Additionally, you can provide a detailed account of the terms discussed and actions taken to fulfill the agreement to demonstrate its existence and your commitment to it. It's also crucial to present a logical and consistent argument to convince the judge of the validity of your claim.

Is a verbal agreement binding in Arkansas?

Verbal agreements are not binding anywhere.

What is verbal agreement?

An verbal agreement is something two or more parties have agreed to do, agreed not to do or an arrangement made verbally and not in writing. In some jurisdictions a verbal agreement can be binding if there are truthworthy witesses to it, in other jurisdictions it may not be binding.

Is a credit card a verbal agreement?

No, it is not.

What rights do you have when a collection agency contacts you over a bill you do not believe you owe - you had verbal agreement with the business than they changed the fee later?

A "verbal" agreement isn't worth much. If you don't have a written agreement you can't prove there was any agreement at all. I would contact the business and see if they will document your verbal agreement.