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Q: Does extra fat in a cake help keep it longer?
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How do you store roll cake with icing?

Store it in a dry container with a lid or covering to keep extra moisture out and also to keep the cake from drying out.

Why are preservatives now added to foods?

to help keep the food for longer This will help them keep longer

How long do you keep the cake in the oven?

What Kind of cake is it? If I know the kind I could possible help you.

What is cake emulsifier?

This is an ingredient that is added into boxed cake. It is meant to help keep the cake sticking together even after being in the box for awhile.

Preserving a piece of cake with fondant?

Fondant won't really "preserve" a piece of cake. It will keep it fresher a bit longer, but the cake will still go bad soon thereafter.

What are the similarities of a butter cake and a sponge cake?

The major difference between a sponge cake and a butter cake is that a sponge cake has no fat in it, should be light in texture. A sponge cake not stored correctly will go dry quickly. A cake with butter in is a firmer moist cake which should keep longer.

What is the purpose of butter in baking?

In a cake, butter helps to add fats which make the cake smooth, and taste good. It also lets the cake keep for longer as if you made a fat less cake it would only taste at its best for about 4-5 hours as a cake with margarine would keep for a lot longer!

Can you freeze a butter pound cake?

It will keep longer. If it's not frozen it will dry out and go stale much quicker.

What is the first tier of a wedding cake traditionally kept for?

Traditionally, it is the very top tier or the small piece of cake that help the cake topper that the bride and groom keep for memorie's sake.

How long to bake a cake for if the oven was 25 degrees too low?

To cook a cake on a lower degree you must first keep a close eye on the cake. If the recommended setting is higher than what you are baking at then you should leave the cake in for a little longer. For example, if the cake says back for 10 minutes, leave it in for 15.

Which foods help keep alcohol in the stomach longer?

Fatty and oily foods.

How do you keep a butter box cake from shrinking after baking?

Don't overbake it in the first place. And make your cakes from scratch. It's easy. No extra points for being lazy.