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Yes, and this is because fat doesn't burn calories; it is more of a storage for energy

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Q: Does muscle burn more calories then fat?
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Does lifting weight burn fat?

Not techinicallly, it builds muscle which helps to burn more calories.

How can exercise help with fat burning?

Exercise, plain and simple, burns calories and you need to burn more calories than you consumer to burn fat and lose weight. And, exercise builds muscle mass, which also helps you burn claories because muscle consumes twice as many calories to maintain itself as fat does.

Does bodybuilding help belly fat?

Bodybuilding, or weight training, is an excellent way to help burn belly fat. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you will burn, thus belly fat will reduce significantly.

I would like to lose fat, but not muscle. How can I do this easily?

If you want to lose fat and not gain muscle you should try light cardio throught out the day. You will burn more calories than you take in, and that burns fat.

What is the best way to build muscle and burn fat fast?

The only way to build muscle is with exercise. That being the case, since exercise requires calories, building muscle will also burn off fat.

Do muscle burns fat?

The more muscle you build, the more your metabolism speeds up. Therefore, if you have more muscle, you burn more fat.

To lose fat is it better to build muscle or run?

Of course build more muscle , because when you have more muscle in the body , help burn about 50% more body fat , that you are burn. :-) .

Do you burn more calories after you eat then exercise?

Yes Beacause You Burn Fat More

Does running straight after weight training burn any muscle you are trying to gain?

No, you're not "burning" any muscles. What you're doing is burning calories, and you need to be consuming considerably more calories than you burn to gain muscle. It is very difficult to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time.

How are calories important to your bodies?

Calories are only a measure of how much energy you can get from a nutrient or a food source. The more calories you get, the more energy you can burn. However if you burn less calories of what you ingest, you get stored fat. Calories are how we measure energy from foods for our body. When we get more calories than we burn, we store the extra in fat cells. This is how we gain weight. When we eat less calories than we burn, we use the extra calories tored in fat cells. This is how we lose weight.

How many calories of fat a day does one pound of muscle burn?

No telling, depends entirely on how hard that pound of muscle is worked.

If a thin person and a obese person are working at the same rate who will burn more calories?

The Obese person because people who are obese sweat more than thin people. So the obese person will burn more calories.Fat doesnt burn calories, therefore it doesnt matter if you are obesse or slim, the amount of calories you burn isn't influenced by the amount of excess fat you have. What matters is the amount of muscle MASS a person has, muscle tissue takes more calories to maintain, so the person with the higher muscle MASS will be burning the more calories..But metabolism also plays a role (the SPEED at which you burn calories) and is influenced by Aerobic Fitness and Genetics to a certain extent to, these two factors especially will decide which one will burn the more calories, when two people are working at the same rate.