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maybe for some people it will but my skin is very oily and to tell you the truth it just didn't work for me. I think the only way you can get rid of it is cutting down on chocolate, fried foods, and sodas. But zits are destined to come up on your face eventually, there is no way to completely fight it.

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Q: Does putting toothpaste on a pimple work well?
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Is this true if you put Tobe past on a pimple will it go away?

I'm not sure what Tobe past is, but putting toothpaste on a pimple will reduce the size and redness of the pimple. Gel toothpaste WILL NOT work, it must be the regular toothpaste.

What kind of toothpaste gets rid of zits?

Answer:The toothpaste myth:Some magazines may say that by applying a dab of toothpate to the pimple will make it go away, actually it might reduce the size of the pimple but it will also leave a scar which looks even worse.

Do organic toothpastes work as well as regular toothpaste?

Based on information found on organic toothpaste does work as well as non-organic toothpaste. Organic toothpaste is made from natural ingredients. These may include baking soda and natural oils. Non-organic toothpaste contains additives.

How long do you leave toothpaste on your pimple?

Depending on your skin type and how sensitive it is, you can gain the best results by leaving the toothpaste on over night and rinsing it off immediately in the morning. Results do vary also because of the toothpaste, it is recommended that you use a "real" toothpaste and not a gel, something natural or organic should give the desired results.

What is in toothpaste that dries pimples?

toothpaste on pimples works best if you pop the pimple first. trust me i know because i did it. it didnt hurt at all and it mayyyyjorlly reduced the size and redness of the pimple. also i can tell you three ingredients in some toothpastes that WONT work. ACOHOL. this will dry out the skin. and u actually dont want that. even if u hav oily skin MOISTURIZE DAILY. this will help alot. and when poping a pimple use tweezers it hurts alot less, and is easier if u dont hav long nails. another ingredient is WHITENING TOOTHPASTE. dont use this or it might give u a scar,blackhead or not even work. hope that i helped! bye! thecatster

What could give you clear skin?

well u can put vasoline, achohol, also toothpaste on the acne. That will work But try the special soap they have out. P.S. The toothpaste does work

Does putting toothpaste on pimples work?

yes, it does. and some people even think that it works just as well as any sore pimple, or spot treatment. this is because it has an antibacterial ingredient that is usually in deodorant, soap, or mouthwash that can kill the bacteria. however, it depends on the person. everyone's skin is different, and they break out for different reasons. toothpaste has worked for me, and i usually use it as a cheap way to get rid of large, or sore pimples faster.

Can toothpaste get rid of pimples?

Toothpaste on PimplesIt depends. Some toothpastes have more baking soda in it, which will dry out your pimple(s). On the other hand, the toothpastes may break you out, so I wouldn't recommend trying this method. But it will work if used in small periods. For people who use it over night they most likely find their skin dry and underneath where you can't see it will burn skin tissue. This on the good side with completely abliterate pimples and whiteheads but in turn will damage your skin. It's your risk.Another SolutionUse a Q-Tip dipped in Rubbing Alchohol, and gently swab it onto the pimple right before you go to bed. By morning, the pimple will be a white-head and you can pop it. Preventing Pimples Further:Wash your hair regularly.Change your pillowcase regularly.Take regular showers.If the above methods do not work, do not pick at the pimple unless it is a white-head. If you pick it it will turn redder and look worse.

How do you get rid of red marks from picking at pimples?

I use this for spots but this might work for pimples as well...I put a tiny but of toothpaste on the spot/pimple and it dies down a bit. If you do it daily it should start to disappear. Hopefully that helped. :)

Which works better on pimples lemonade or toothpaste?

Haha I actually used to try this at home. Lemonade wouldn't work too well because the sugar content in the drink will actually irritate your skin. Just plain lemon will actually work better even though it will sting more. I don't think Lemon will do much for acne though. It works well for acne scars. Toothpaste on the other hand reacts differently to each person. First of all you have to make sure to sure the right brand. Certain brands like colgate will dry out your skin causing your skin to peel. Natural brands like Toms do much better to treat acne. Also, make sure to choose a toothpaste without a whitening agent. For me, Toothpaste is very temporary. I would only use it if there is an important dance or date the next day. You would normally use toothpaste on huge cysts and pimples that are isolated. when I used it, the pimple sort of shrunk the next day, but it nothing to actually get rid of it. Over time, the pimple will rise back up and it will take longer to heal. So toothpaste will work right away, but in the long run it isn't a good idea. You'll still have to deal with that huge cyst. :]

Why was edible toothpaste invented?

Edible toothpaste was invented for children who were just learning to brush their teeth. The chemical fluoride in the tooth paste is very dangerous if the body digests it, so scientists invented edible toothpaste for younger children. The toothpaste seems nice, but does not clean the users teeth like regular toothpaste, the formula does not work as well.

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